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a king can't be a king without the strength of his queen

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a king can't be a king without the strength of his queen

King Magnus sat at the head of the table, his golden crown glistening in the light

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King Magnus sat at the head of the table, his golden crown glistening in the light. His usual stormy expression was upon his face, his head high and gaze hard.  He was in the middle of a meeting, the standard monthly ones the Council scheduled. Although the Council was technically above him, no one ever defied what he said. He was too powerful, not to mention immortal.

The meeting was boring to the king, as per usual. They talked of solutions to problems but none of them ever took action.

He was about to yell at the Council for being the cowards they are, when a warm sensation pervaded his body. His previous anger dwindled until it was no longer there, and he felt calm for the first time in years. He immediately knew what that meant.

His mate was of age.

Being a werewolf, his senses were already heightened. Being king only enhanced them more. Eighteen was the age werewolves could first start finding their mates.

The King was over nine hundred years old, but had stopped aging at 27.

This new revelation meant that his mate had turned eighteen today. It also meant he could track her, even without bearing his mark.

Perks of being a king.

King Magnus abruptly stood up from his throne, halting the conversation of the Council. The room was silent until a brave voice spoke up.

"M-My King, is there s-something wrong?" The man who spoke was a short, lanky advisor who usually did most of the talking during these meetings.

"This meeting is adjourned," The King's deep voice resonated within the room, the deep baritone daring anyone to defy his words. The Council members stood in shock until the same man spoke up.

"Y-Your highness, this m-meeting is of the utmost importance, it would not be wise to —" the lanky advisor's stuttering was cut off by King Magnus' deathly growl.

The Council members shook in fear.

For they knew that he had just angered the beast inside, that he had awoken something so terrifyingly primal, that he had just dug his own grave.

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