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don't doubt my love for you

it's the only thing i'm sure of.

Rose had been in her room for a long, long time

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Rose had been in her room for a long, long time.

It'd been about a day since the whole incident; Roman and Rose managed to eat dinner civilly, but there wasn't much conversing. Rose's mind was still reeling with the new information he'd exposed to her. She knew he wasn't lying, for God's sakes the man had transformed into a wolf right in front of her eyes! But coming to terms with the fact that a creature she'd only heard of in stories and tales was real was giving her a headache.

Right after dinner both Roman and Rose retired to their rooms, much to Roman's chagrin. He wanted to talk to her more, he wanted her to open up and tell him what she thought of this whole ordeal. But he knew it was a lot for his precious mate to comprehend in a short amount of time, and he didn't want to push her. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off.

But now, as the clock struck five, Roman paced the halls nervously. He was sure Rose hadn't stepped out of her room once today. Her scent was strictly confined to her room, there were no lingering scents of her anywhere else.

He was beginning to get worried because that meant she also hadn't eaten all day. He didn't want to intrude, but Fenris was restless about his mate and would soon take over if Roman didn't do something.

Roman walked towards Rose's room and stopped at her white doors. He raised his hand and softly knocked twice. "Rose?" he called.

He was met with silence.

"Angel?" He called again. "Um, dinner's almost ready." His voice trailed off at the end, realizing she probably wasn't answering for a reason.

Had he done something wrong?

Roman reviewed yesterday in his head, combing through his actions and words, trying to understand what he had done wrong. Had he been too straightforward? Had he scared her off? Did she refuse to ever see him again?

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