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don't be fooledhe'd die for her

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don't be fooled
he'd die for her

Rose paced around her room, nervous for the ball

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Rose paced around her room, nervous for the ball. She and Roman had spent all week going over the details of it. When he explained it to her, she wasn't nervous. But now she was regretting telling him not to cancel.

She glanced at the blood red gown that lay on her bed. She'd brought it up earlier in hopes that it would bring her back down to reality. That this was really happening.

She didn't even know what she was doing! She'd never been to a school dance, much less a ball.

A knock on the door nearly gave her a heart attack.

She quickly opened it, expecting to see Roman. Instead she was greeted with the warm face of Erin, Vincent's wife, and the head maid.

"Hello, Miss Waldorf. King Magnus requested I help you with any preparations for the ball tonight."

Rose heaved a sigh of relief. He always seemed to know the exact right thing to do.

"Yes, please, come in," Rose said, opening the door wider and ushering her in.

Erin rushed Rose into the shower, tossing her all sorts of soaps and lotions. Rose was grateful for the help, she didn't even know where to start.

After her shower, Erin quickly blow dried Rose's hair, leaving it open. She shimmied Rose into the dress, not letting her take a look at it. Next, she applied light makeup, because Rose said she hated the feel of makeup on her face, and styled her hair.

Rose glanced at the clock to see it had been two hours. The ball started in one.

"I'll be right back with the crown. Don't look in the mirror!" Erin said playfully, making her way out of the room.

Rose smiled softly, grabbing her favorite perfume and spritzing some on her wrists and neck before hearing the door open.

"Back this quickly, Erin? I swear I didn't look in the -"

Rose stopped talking as she turned around and saw who was at the door.

Definitely not Erin.

Roman stood there in a classic black and white tuxedo that fit over his impressive build like a glove. Despite the material not being tight, anyone could tell that he was pure muscle. His height only added to that. His hair was styled back with gel, and Rose could see a ring on his right hand.

What she didn't notice, however, was the look he was giving her. He knew how stunningly beautiful his mate was. But he didn't know the extent of her beauty could roam this far. The dress looked more ravishing than he could've ever imagined. Her angel-like features were high-lighted with the perfect amount of makeup, even though he preferred her with none. His eyes landed on her neck, where a specific piece of jewelry hung.

"You're wearing it," he whispered.

"Huh?" She whispered, still dazed by his appearance.

Roman came closer to her and ran his hand along the diamond necklace that lay on her slender neck. "This was my mother's favorite."

Rose turned pink. "I-I didn't know, I'm so sorry. I just saw it and it was so pretty and you said I could wear anything in that room so I -"

Roman chuckled, stopping her mid-sentence. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you wearing it, love. My mother would've adored you."

Rose turned even redder, this time for a different reason.

Just then, Erin walked in.

"Hello, your Majesty. I brought your crown as well," she said, carefully handing Roman his.

Rose watched as he put it on, and she wanted to cower in intimidation. He really was a king. She didn't know a crown could do so much.

She watched as Erin literally tilted her neck so far sideways it looked like it hurt. She looked at her in confusion.

"Erin? Are you okay?"

"Erin, you can relax," Roman said as he realized what she was doing.

"What was that?" Rose mumbled to herself as Erin's neck practically snapped back into place and she walked to her with the crown.

"And for you, Miss Waldorf."

As soon as Erin placed the crown on Rose's head, a loud growl escaped Roman's throat.

Erin nearly dropped to her knees at the sheer power he emanated, but she stumbled her way out of the room, leaving the two.

Roman was breathing heavily, his eyes golden.


"F-Fenris?" Rose whispered, staring in his eyes.

"Mate," His voice grumbled.

"H-How are you, um, what?" Rose choked out, confused. She didn't know Fenris could come out whenever he wanted while keeping Roman's form.

Suddenly his eyes snapped back to brown and his body collapsed.

"Oh my god," Rose rushed out as she bent down to Roman. "Are you okay? What just happened?" She put her hand on his shoulder, worried for him.

Roman's muscles relaxed at her touch. He already started to feel better. He sat against the wall, still breathing heavily. "I-I don't know... Fenris shouldn't be able to take control of me like that without the help of the full moon."

Rose nodded for him to continue.

Roman looked straight into her eyes. "I don't lose control over him."

Rose looked away from his piercing gaze. She didn't know what to say. Was this her fault?

"Well, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She questioned.

Roman smiled softly. "I'll be fine, love. I've had worse."

His words did not reassure Rose. It only concerned her more.

"I-I need to talk to Vincent. I'll be here for you in a half hour, okay?" Roman rushed out. He needed to ask Vincent about what just happened.

"Um, okay?" Rose said confused. Was everything okay?

Roman got up from the floor and made his way to the door. He placed his hand on the knob before turning around to her.

"You look beautiful, by the way."

Rose blushed. "Thank you, Roman."

He reveled in the way she said his name and then opened the door in search of Vincent. He needed to figure out what was going on with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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