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painting is just another way of keeping a diary

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painting is just another way of keeping a diary


Rose sat on the stool located in the middle of her art studio

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Rose sat on the stool located in the middle of her art studio. Her clothing was marred with different colored paints but as of now she could care less; she was too busy painting.

Her delicate hands expertly stroked the canvas with her brush, leaving streaks of color in its path. She hesitated and looked at the painting closely, groaning at the sight.

She was currently trying to paint the crown Roman had given her. Ever since they met two days ago, she found herself thinking about him often. She had to admit the crown he'd given her was beautiful.

But she couldn't quite get it right in her painting. The intricate detailing of the real crown was beautiful; she didn't think there was any way to capture that in a piece of art. The crown itself was the art.

She put down her brush and rubbed her hands on her pants, creating more stains. Her hair was in a messy ponytail so it would stay out of her face.

Just then her mother walked in, smiling at the sight of Rose's paintings.

"Every time I walk in here it's more beautiful than the last," Rose's mother's voice caught her attention and she smiled brightly at her mom.

"Thanks, mom. I would hug you but I don't want to stain you," she explained. Her mother shrugged and looked around the room.

"What's your latest piece, sweetie?" She asked.

Rose's eyes lit up and she gestured to the painting of the crown. "It's not as good as I was hoping it to be, but it's something," Rose sighed, putting her hands on her hips. She herself was her biggest critic.

Rose's mom's eyes widened at the sight of the picture. She recognized that crown.

"Rose, honey, where'd you get the idea for this painting?" She asked hesitantly. There was a hint of fear in her voice but Rose didn't pick up on it.

Rose took the real crown off the table where she'd set it earlier. She held it gently in her hands. "I met a friend the other day. His name was Roman! He was so nice and gave me this crown."

Rose's mother looked at the crown with wide eyes. This can't be happening, she thought.

"Isn't it pretty, mom?" Rose asked. Her mother could do nothing but nod her head numbly.

"Why don't you go rest. You're looking a bit pale," her mother said quickly. Rose frowned, she felt fine.

"Mom I don't —" she was cut off by the sharp glare her mother sent her which she flinched at. Her parents had never been harsh with her. She was too delicate.

Rose placed the crown back on the table and walked past her mom sullenly. She didn't understand what she'd done wrong. She hated when people were mad at her, which was very rarely.

Rose made her way to her room, a few tears escaping. She locked her bedroom door and climbed into her bed. She decided sleeping this off was the best idea.

Meanwhile, Rose's mom was panicking. She knew who the crown belonged to.

She knew about werewolves.

It was a secret she had only ever shared with her husband, but it seemed as though things were catching up with her.

Her childhood best friend was a werewolf and she accidentally saw her shift. After swearing she'd never tell a soul, the best friend spilled the secrets of the werewolf kind. From mates, to shifting, to heat, to their horrendous King.

Rose's mom knew it all.

She poured herself a glass of wine, desperate as to not be so panicky. She needed something to soothe her nerves. She wasn't expecting her husband home for another half hour.

Thirty minutes of sipping wine passed and the front door opened, revealing Rose's father. Rose's mom placed her wine glass down and rushed towards him.

"John, s-something's wrong." John, Rose's father, looked confused.

"Okay, Lenora. Calm down. You can tell me all about it. Let's sit," he offered. Lenora, Rose's mother, nodded in agreement and the both of them sat down on the same couch.

"Now, what's bothering you?" John asked.

Lenora told him of the crown art Rose painted. She told him that she knew the crown belonged to the Alpha King. Possessing an Alpha King's crown was unheard of, the crown rarely ever leaves the head of the King himself. That meant Lenora thought Rose was in trouble.

John sighed. "You're sure about this, Lenora?"

She nodded quickly. "Something's going to happen to our daughter, John. We need to do something about it!" she whisper-yelled, careful to not let Rose hear from upstairs.

"What I don't understand is how she even got the crown in the first place. When would she have had time to meet him?" John asked.

"I don't know, John. But it had to have happened recently. Did we take Rose anywhere as of recent?"

John sighed again in realization. "I took her to the bakery two days ago. She said she wanted a muffin." He said it like he was ashamed. "I told her to wait outside while I ordered and I guess she met him then."

Lenora didn't say anything in reply. She knew there was no way this could've been helped.

"What happens now?" John asked.

"I don't know," Lenora replied.

• • • • •

Roman paced the floor of the throne room in frustration. Ever since he met Rose she was constantly in his mind. There was no escaping her.

But then again, he didn't want to escape. He wanted to lose himself within her so deeply he no longer knew himself, only her. Only Rose.

But she wasn't ready. She wasn't ready for the werewolf world and the danger it brought. Nor did he want to dump that on her all at once.

At the same time, what choice did he have? He was losing his mind without her. His wolf, Fenris, was constantly irritated since two days ago and lashed out at everyone. He craved his mate again, and they'd only met once.

The door to the room opened and in stepped a wary looking servant. "My K-King, some of us couldn't help b-but notice that your c-crown has disappeared."

Roman tried to reign in the anger his wolf was emitting. He was in no mood to talk to anyone. Except his beautiful angel.

Roman cleared his throat. "Yes, I'm aware." His voice was cold and calculating.

"O-Oh...i-is there anything I can d-do about it, your majesty?"

"No. Get out." The servant scrambled out of the room and left Roman to his thoughts.

That's it, he thought. I'm going to talk to Rose tomorrow.

Finally, his wolf Fenris agreed.

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