Chapter Seventeen: The Malent Talent Competition (Part 1)

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"Up and at 'em!"

Bella felt several ice cold droplets of water connect with her face again, and again, and again.  It wasn't until the seventh time she consciously felt it that she used her powers to throw the stupid water bottle across the room.  Seconds later, her bed went from a warm oasis to a cold and unforgiving arctic tundra.

"Why, Jade?" Bella asked as she sat up.  Her covers, now frozen, slipped off of her and fell onto the floor, the corner piece breaking off and very possibly a few small pieces in other places.  Bella sighed when she saw it, too busy mourning the loss of the only comfort she had in life to even look Jade in the eye.  "Why do you hate me?"

"Get up.  Hades told me not to let you sleep past 8am and it's already 8:06.  Time to get up."

Bella glared at Jade, though the glare was directed at Hades.  "Tell Hades to go back to the underworld."

Bella stood up, marched to the closet, grabbed a blanket, and went into the livingroom to lay on the couch.  She snuggled onto the couch pillow and pulled the blanket tighter to her body, letting her body remember what it was like to be warm.

"My powers don't run out, Bella.  I can freeze the whole apartment if you want and only one of us will be uncomfortable."  Bella couldn't see her, but she knew Jade had her arms crossed and a look of satisfaction on her face just from the sound of her voice.  She knew she'd won, but Bella was tired and unwilling to give in at the moment.

"I will fight you," Bella responded.

She heard Jade sigh dramatically then felt the entire temperature of the room go down to near winter temperatures.  Winter.  And not just any type of winter, northeast winter.  Syracuse, NY level cold.  Boston, MA level cold.  And then, as if to add insult to injury, what followed was lake-effect snow level snowfall.

Jade, that witch.

"Fine, I'm up," Bella said as she stood up, shivering and trying her best to keep warm without a coat or blanket since everything solid in the room other than herself and Jade was frozen solid.  "Can you please return the temperature to normal?"

Jade smiled triumphantly as all of the ice and snow turned into small white flecks that were absorbed into Jade's body.  "Now, go get ready.  Hades said he's coming over at nine."

Bella grumbled as she made her way to the bathroom.  After she fought Caeden for the first time, they'd checked the time and, upon realizing that it was almost time for breakfast in her time zone, Kaiya excused herself to make breakfast for all five of them.  Only she ate since Caeden felt sick and no one else was hungry, then they went back for round two.  To switch things up, Caeden fought Bella first, the Kaiya fought her, but even with the prior knowledge, Bella only barely beat Caeden (this time having her powers, but Caeden knew his way around her mind as well) and was winded after fighting Kaiya.  They fought two more times after that, Bella only winning by a hair each time and getting increasingly hungry with each fight.  By the time they were done, it was 11pm where Bella and Hades lived and 10pm where Levi lived, so they all ate breakfast/dinner and made their way home.

It was nice to know what she was up against to some extent, but Bella couldn't shake the feeling that she was not at all ready for what she would experience come 1pm.

By the time Hades arrived, Bella was finished with everything except eating.  She'd showered, brushed her teeth, done a face mask, and dressed in a black outfit with red trim.  She'd had it for what felt like forever and she had several matching outfits.  It wasn't quite her "supervillain" outfit, but it was the outfit she wore to every self-defense and fighting class her mother forced on her.  It was functional.  The top kept her chest in place so it didn't move like it did for most female superheroes and women who exercised.  The bottoms, a skirt which she originally fought her mom on, gave her freedom of movement of her legs instead of restricting them or making her uncomfortable, which is what many heroes and villains had to deal with in their tights.

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