Author's Note

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So.... I planned on very heavily editing this story. I even started and got all the way to chapter three before I realized how to make the reasonable changes that I wanted to make, mostly to improve my writing because I abhor how I describe powers and motivations, I'd have to basically completely rewrite everything and the story would be completely different. But since this story is kind of the beginning of a few super-hero inspired stories I've already started writing but can't publish til this one's finished, well I just had to bite the metaphorical bullet because those stories are just fine as is and I don't want to change them just because I changed this one.

So I'm no longer editing this. That means it's an unedited mess and I apologize for what bored college Astrid started that we all have to deal with now.

But the four chapters I just published are all what I wrote before (a couple years ago actually).  What will be published in the future, whether good or bad, is all present Astrid. So I have no excuse for if it's bad other than... I'm still learning.

Thanks for reading (if you're still here, I know it's been some time since I last updated).

You're awesome.  Stay villainous!

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