BTS cuddling with you

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Would you rather have Yoongi call you princess or Hoseok call you baby girl?

Seokjin: *soft kisses* *starts singing quietly to you* *dad jokes forever*

Yoongi: Yah I'm too tired to cuddle *cuddles with you anyway* *gummy smiles when you kiss his cheek*

Hoseok: *tickles you when you tease him* *probably shirtless* *the goofiest and funniest couple*

Namjoon: *you always lay on top of him* *dimples come out when you stare at him* *leaves kisses on your forehead*

Jimin: *some brief ass grabs here and there* *cute mochi smiles* *soft making out with you in his lap*

Taehyung: Stop being so cute or else I'll kick you *strokes your hair till you sleep* *stares at you for ages*

Jungkook: *dorky jokes* *holds you tightly in his arms* *messy hair, bunny smile and bare face*

I know I don't update a lot but here ya go
I hope you thought this was cute


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