Rainy Day||Seokjin

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I stared at the rain drops dripping down the cold window, my seat on the window sill became cold.

I looked back at Seokjin reading his book, I thought he looked the cutest in his reading glasses.

"What are you reading, oppa?", I asked quietly and he glanced up and grinned.

"It's a love story,", he answered and I moved my head towards the window again.

It's getting a little dark..

"Y/n, it's too cold by the window, you're going to get sick by just being in your underwear,", he said and I pouted.

"But I like watching the neighborhood dogs play in the water,", I whispered and felt his touch.

"I know but this window isn't sealed completely,", he picked me up and I immediately felt warmer in his arms.

"Okay,", I sighed and he took me to the couch where he was reading.

I sat next to him with my legs on his lap and my arms around his neck.

I saw his book and read the title.

"Romeo and Juliet?", I asked and he nodded.

"A pair of star crossed lovers take their life,", he said a line from the book while lying me down on the couch.

I smiled as he hovered over me and pinned my arms down.

"The fearful passage of their death marked love,", he whispered and pecked my lips.

"Ah, Juliet why art thou so fair?", he said squeezed his eyes and I laughed.

"Stop being a nerd oppa,", I giggled and he gasped.

"What did you call me?", he laughed and started kissing every part of my face.

"Yah Seokjin, stop!", I chuckled and felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Never,", he said and stopped.

I continued to gaze into his eyes, his glasses falling off the bridge of his nose.

I bit my lip as I looked at his messy hair.

His eyes had a different expression inside them.


"Y/n, I know we haven't done it yet-", Seokjin got cut off by a knock on the front door.

I kissed his lips before getting up and walking towards it.

I picked up the nearest pair of pants I had and put them on.

My curious self cracked the door open and peeked through.

"Oh? Hi Taehyung-ssi,", I said and felt Seokjin come from behind.

"Hey, um, I need that paper from yesterday,", he said and scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, okay hold on,", I said and left to my room.

I searched for the paper and soon found it, my hand grabbed it and slowly walked back to the door.

"So you two sit next to each other?", I heard Seokjin's soft voice ask Tae.

"Uh, yeah, we both have the same Bio class,", Taehyung answered with a shaky voice and I appeared behind my tall boyfriend.

"Here it is,", I handed it to him and he smiled.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow,", he said and bowed to us.

Seokjin closed the door and looked down at me.

I sighed as he pushed my hair behind my ear.

"What were you saying earlier?", I asked and tried to remember myself.

"I don't recall,", he whispered and went to the couch.

His tall figure faced the couch and scratched his head, like he forgot what he was doing.

"If you think we should, then I'm okay with that,", I said and he froze.

I was getting an idea of what he said and felt my heart flutter.

Seokjin turned his head to me and blinked twice.

"Are you sure, y/n?", he asked and walked to me slowly.

"Yes,", I mumbled and he stared down at me and I put his hands on my hips.

"So how about we go to the room?", I asked and gestured to the bedroom door.

He smiled with light pink cheeks, I always thought his smile was perfect.

"When did my princess get so mature?", he said and picked me up swiftly.

I giggled and kissed his cheek while he rushed to the room.

Okay, but Jin is 101% husband material tho


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