How’s your master today? Are you tired of it? Did you turn to the Lord, or to that other one, or are you still serving that body of yours? Did you decide to serve other people’s bodies instead? Are you like me and hungered to be served for a change while knowing that is not an option, for in a way even a king is a servant? It seems a matter of choice as to whom to serve not whether to serve. In fact it is a truism that to the extent you demand others serve you, the more immature you are. Babies demand that they be served continuously. Mature individuals demand to serve as much as possible.
We must be careful what we do when we serve. It is our responsibility what we do even when the commanding officer tells us to do something opposing what we believe in. For example if we serve our body it is against our service to our own master to go on a suicide mission. But if we serve the CO’s inane political interests and farcical political loyalties rather than our own bodies, that is another matter, and yet if one must sell out to one master we will be a traitor to the one, and a traitor to the other who must then decide the value of traitors in his agenda. Once a traitor one cannot help but be a traitor, however many sinister leaders count on the fact. And, the façade that serving someone other than yourself is more admirable is a joking matter and you fail to complete your mission in a way that reveals the traitor you are rather than the fictional hero they may declare you to be, or to have been. Nationalism is stupid in my opinion, and internationalism even dumber. The stakes are too high and the gains too limited to make it a sacrifice at all. To further a military leader is wrong, for they all serve the continuance of the slaughter of young men in the pursuit of ever more slaughter which there seems to be no end to. An ideology worth killing for, and it doesn’t matter what the ideology is, is in support of the Evil One and does not serve anything but the horrible suffering brought on by war, and there seems to be no end to the inane thinking that leads them. Does that mean there is no end to them? I hope not. If I could have my druthers I would rather every military minded person on the planet die and become the peaceful peace loving person God intended. For a military person who kills even in the name of goodness and God is a murderer, and a minion of Evil, an evil that will not end unless they choose to die to their ways and do something else. The one who says, “Do not murder,” is not served by massive murdering any more than the premeditated murder of a single individual. He did not say, “Do not kill good people,” he said, “Thou shalt not kill!”
Militaristic nations like the US and Russia are both insufferable adversaries to the peace they hope to achieve, and the killers that have paved the way for even more murders are no different. If there is no end to their evil we and those to come will live in their little hell forever. Saved or unsaved it doesn’t matter. For what is more tragic than the death of one who served their body, or worse the hell it endured while it was here. We must be very careful not to be duped. We here in the US supposedly believe in freedom and then elect to further the hell of war and hostility in politics and war potentially forever. That is not good. That is not desirable. That has nothing to do with freedom. It makes us all a bunch of hypocrites.
What do I do? I pay my taxes. I may have even bought a gun that killed someone in some stupid war fought over something I thought inane. Americans, like it or not, are all a bunch of murders just like those of every nationality. We either kill directly or indirectly. Even if it is against our wills, we did not stop our bodies and minds from being so used. We are guilty. We have acted as Judas did in the direct will of Satan while wearing the clothes of those who preached peace. We are all liars, hypocrites, traitors and minions of the beast, or were. Even conscientious objectors know the truth. They do nothing to stop it, and hope that strategy will work out and that everyone will eventually follow their example. All they accomplish is to let people see the truth of how unattractive such a choice is to the average human. For we do not have any hope of getting out of here alive, if God will not save us from this horrible fate that surrounds us, and chokes us, or sucks us down like quicksand. If God will not save us, we shall not be saved. And if we are saved from it why would we want God to save it. Let us therefore ignore it as much as possible, and instead try to save as many as can be saved on our way out. Don’t worry about the world. Hopefully it will pass away like our useless dying bodies. Who wants to save the car during the crash, or even after? Let us save as many passengers as possible.
We wanted to save the world we said. We wanted to change the world, others said. I just wanted it to go away. To be forgotten in every way is the only thing I want to know about the world before I am through. Like the body of my youth, it is of little more use to me, or you. The world still uses my mind to some extent, but I regret it all, or will in the end. I can’t wait for the Weeper to die as had it never been and to rejoice with those who survive wherever it is God may have us survive. O my, my, I hope it isn’t in another hell like this one, or even worse.
But of course it is not just militaristic killers that it is true of. It is true of the whole thing the Weeper regrets about the way we are and the way we were. To the Weeper it is as if it walked a battlefield and all it could see was corpses and an endless stream of soldiers falling in the fray tripping over the bodies of their ancestors even on the way.
“How long O Lord?” we join our voices with the saints above.
“O God, I am such a hypocrite like all the rest of these hypocrites here in this horrid place.”
I just met a woman in the hall who had a biopsy, and when she informed me it was negative I rejoiced with her and even praised the Lord with her. It seems we who are saved and live for the world to come and not the fallacy that exists, have as much trouble living here as you do. May He help us live for what is important like the downfall of the entire earth and the salvation of as many as He will have saved in the end?
In the Beginning God
Non-FictionEver wonder who you were? Who God is? What the difference between the physical and spiritual realm is? I intend to explore it all. I know I won't be successful but I intend to try. Read and experience with me, or at least wish us well who embar...