Her Name Is Suzka

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The next morning I get up from Kakashi's brace going into the bathroom for a pee break. I walk out and into the kitchen putting toast into the toaster and opening the fridge for a glass of milk.

I drink the milk quickly, eating my toast. The sun shined through the window, onto the table. I tie on my headband pulling on my boots for a morning stroll, before I have to go to school. I open and close the door quietly, walking out. The sun shined bright, my eyes getting used to the light after a good long sleep. I start walking down the street, enjoying the view as I pass. Suddenly I see Gaara, and I walk up to him saying hi. I realize his friend is standing beside him. "Sorry to interrupt!", Total sweat drop.

"It's ok", Gaara smirks. "Suzka this is Neji, Neji this is Suzka", he introduces me to Neji. I flash a pearly white smile holding my hand out to him. He grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you", he grumbles intimidatingly. I bow, "Nice to meet you Neji, and good to see you again Gaara", I hug Gaara, feeling odd as Neji stared at me. "If I'm bothering you in any way just tell me", I say up front. "It's fine, besides we were just talking about exams", Gaara states. "Did you guys pass?", I ask curious.

They both nod,"Yea"

Neji looks at me with a tint in his eyes and lush in his lips.

I blush looking at Gaara, he smirks at me. "Maybe we can train together later, I may not be as strong as you guys but I do have my qualities!",I try to convince them to train with me. "Meet up with you then", Gaara says. I bow,"I better go school is going to start." I hug Gaara again, winking at Neji before I jog away. Seriously, I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up!

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I sit down in the class room waiting for our teacher. I totally zone out as they blabber on. . Naruto's voice filling my ears, what is he yelling about now? Sakura squawking, but Sasuke not saying anything. The sound of the door opening, I lift my head to look. An eruption of laughter explodes as the chalk brush hits Kakashi on the head. Sakura breaks out in a innocent act. Kakashi rubs his chin,"hmm, how can I put this, my first impression of this group... Your a Bunch of idiots.", he walks closer to everyone. We all have surprised looks on our faces. "Let's go", he grumbles.

We sit on a roof top waiting for Kakashi to talk, "Alright let's introduce ourselves one by one"

"What are we supposed to say?", Sakura asks blindly.

"Things you like, things you hate, future dreams, hobbies, things like that", he answers.

"Why don't you tell us stuff, I mean you go first", Naruto suggests.

"Me? My name is Kakashi Hatake, things I like and things I hate? I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future? Never really thought about it. Hobbies? I have lots of hobbies", his answers no help to anyone.

As it comes to my turn I answer,"Things I like, Gaara. Things I hate, hunters! Dreams for the future, I want to find out where I can from and maybe even find a place to belong for good. Hobbies, Jutsu and training."

They look at me with their mouths hanging open, I guess saying I like Gaara is pretty embarrassing.

"Good, your all unique with your own ideas, we will have our first mission tomorrow", Kakashi says.

"What kind of mission is it?", Naruto asks. "It's a task the five of us will do together", he grumbles.

"What! What! What! What!", Naruto outbursts.

"A survival test", he sighs. Sasuke starts complaining about an academy. I look past Kakashi enjoying the view. Kakashi starts to laugh and then seriously talks. Three words catch my mind. Pass or Fail.

"And don't eat breakfast if you don't want to be barfing", Kakashi smirks. I sigh, I think I'm going to eat anyways.

"Your all dismissed", Kakashi says. I get up walking along Kakashi's side,"I'm going to train"

"Just come home safe", he grumbles before walking away. I quickly leave in search for Gaara and Neji.

As I find them, we relocate for training.

We stand in a circle deciding who I am going to fight first. "I'm going first!", Gaara yells. "Whatever", Neji grumbles finally giving up. He stands by a nearby tree ready to watch our fight. "Go easy on me?", I ask with puppy dog eyes. "Whatever you want", he gets into his fighting stance. I drew my kunei ready to throw at any moment. But that's only the start of my plan.

I run at him throwing three kunei, he deflects them easily not expecting me to make a different move. I kick him in the jaw and he grunts loudly. Not even his sand could sense my presence. I jump over him trying to grab him from behind. He turns around making a sand wall between me and him. I punch through it grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him towards me, making him hit his body on his own sand wall. I let go yelling, "Mass Effect Wave, Water Style!" A huge wave bigger than his sand wall crashes down on top of him, washing his sand wall away and soaking him. I smirk, he gave me the look, he is going to get rough. In a split second sand traps me in my spot and I struggle to move. He smirks, there is no way I can get out of this. "Gaara Wins Again!", he shouts, the sand fall away from me.

A loud smack fills my ears and suddenly I realize Neji had smacked Garra in the head. "What was that for!", Gaara yells flexing his muscles. "Being an idiot!", he grumbles back just like Susuke would. My eyes widen in shock, Shikimaru is waiting for me at the park! "Uhh, sorry I have to leave and all but I'm going to be late for my date! See you around!", I run away at full speed.

As I reach the park I see Shikimaru sitting on the bench,a almost melted ice cream in hand. I run at him stopping to stand in front of him.

Shikimaru's P.O.V

"IM SO SORRY IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN EVER!", she begs and pleads for my forgiveness. "As long as your here now I'm fine ;)", I say casually. Her eyes widen at the ice cream, she opens her mouth wide taking a huge bite. People probably thought that was weird but to me, I find it sexy! I hand her the ice cream and she takes it sweetly slowly.......licking....... it. Her face innocent as she looks up at me. She hands me the rest saying,"Can you finish it?" I nod taking it and eating the rest with two huge bites. I stand up suddenly being hugged by her. "I'm soooooooo, sorry for making you wait!", she apologizes into my neck, her hot steamy breath hitting my neck. "It's fine, really!", I hug her back rubbing my hand up and down her back. Her legs grinding against my body, I bite my lip. "How about a walk?", I ask. She nods taking my arm and looping it with hers. We slowly begin to walk, a romantic view up a head.

Gaara's P.O.V

"She said she liked me", I give him an even eviler grin.

"Since when?", he starts to mimic me.

"Today, when Kakashi asked her things she liked, she said ''Gaara'' ", I stick out my tongue.

"Didn't she just say she was late for her ''Date'' , Neji rubs it in.

"Ya but she was just being nice", I grumble.

"Why don't we check it out?", Neji suggests. One of his most brilliant ideas.

"Good choice", I say taking off.

We both sit in a tree watching them as they walked along side by side.

I elbow him in the ribs, he lets out a silent evil laugh. I jump to the next tree almost detected by her keen eyes. Shikimaru still holding onto her arm, she turns her head left right to double check. Neji jumps ahead of me to the next tree, her head jerking to his direction, her reflexes faster than mine! I signal to him, telling his to stay low or we will be detected. He nods crouching upon the branch. She continues walking except closer to Shikimaru, their shoulders and arms rubbing together. Such a beautiful girl like her stuck with someone like him. Naruto and Susuke even look at her like they want her so badly.

Not only does Naruto and Susuke want her, but now Shikimaru does. Neji keeps everything to himself, I would never even know if he liked her or not. He doesn't show it, he just rubs it in when someone else is with her. I just don't understand him somedays, or ever.

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