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This what you're reading right now is a story. It's not any story, it's her story and I'm going to tell it you. I'm Corey Funk and I am 20 years old. I'm going to tell you everything and I'm hoping you won't ask questions until the very end. It started that one night when her parents kicked her out.


"We don't want you here." My mom said blankly.

"W - what?" I stuttered. I looked over at my dad.

"Pack a bag and leave." He said walking towards me. I backed away scared.

"Please don't hurt me." It slipped out of my mouth, sounding quiet and week. He roughly gripped my neck and pinned me against the wall.

"Pack your things and go." I said sternly. He loosened his grip and I scrambled up the stairs quickly shoving some clothes and as much money I could into a bag. I ran back down stairs and out the house and never looked back. I'm homeless now. I don't know what I'm going to do but I do know one thing... I'm never going back there.


I'm sorry I realised I never mentioned her name. Isabel Mathews. A name I'll always remember.

You're probably wondering what happens next. Where does she go? How does she survive. This is where me and Capron come in. This is where I found her.


I walked down the street, limping slightly. I ignored stares off of the normals. That's what I call them, the people that have a home, a family. My hair was messy. Shirt ripped, jeans muddy and torn, there's no way to avoid the eyes of the normals. Some are kind, they'll hand me a dollar or two, maybe a piece of bread. Others are cruel and make fun of me. Overall no one cares about a homeless girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" I was stopped by a guy. I nodded about to walk off.

"Hey, don't go." Another person called after me. I stopped where I was and turned and walked back.

"What do you want?" I ask quietly, scared of what might happen next.

"Are you homeless?" The younger looking one asked me. I nodded before staring down at my feet. I heard them whispering to each other.

"Would you like to get some food? McDonald's?" He asked me speaking up louder.

"Oh no it's fine I don't want to waste your time and money I mean I'll probably die on the streets anyway." I sighed about to walk away when they stop me once more.

"You won't waste anything, come on." I followed them to mc Donald's.

We sat down at a table with our food.

"Slow down, you'll choke." One of them said to me.

"Sorry I'm just hungry." He chuckled quietly.

"I can see... what's your name?" He asked politely.

"Isabel. Yours?"

"I'm Corey and this is my brother Capron." He introduced themselves. I nodded continuing with my food.

"How would you like to come home with us?" Corey asked.

"Excuse me?" I choked on my food at what he said.

"Would you like to come home with us?" He repeated

"I'll just be in the way it's fine  I'll -" he cut me off,

"You won't, we just can't bring ourselves to leave you back on the streets." I nodded and followed them out to their car. Nothing could explain how I felt. I felt like someone cared.


That's how we met. That's how we found her. This may be confusing for you as I'm switching from point of views but you'll get used to it eventually.

I know what you're thinking. Why am I telling you this? Why am I telling you about some 13 year old I found in the street? She wasn't just some 13 year old. She was different. I knew from the moment I saw her in ripped and muddy clothes that she was going to do amazing things one day. She just needed someone to help her find her way.

BROKEN  // COREY FUNK // CAPRON FUNKWhere stories live. Discover now