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She was quiet, she never spoke much at first. She was shocked when she saw the house. I'm not surprised. I'm shocked by it as well sometimes


" wow " I gasped. " nice house " I looked around.

" yeah, would you like to take a shower,
Maybe get some clean clothes? " Corey suggested. I nodded. " follow me. " I followed Corey as he grabbed some clothes and a towel and showed me too his bathroom.

" you can use my soap and stuff it's just there. Here are some clothes and a towel. Either me or Capron or both will be in the kitchen/ living room. " he switched the shower on and stepped back and smiled at me.

" thank you " I smiled back. He patted my shoulder as he walked past me to exit the room. He's so nice. He'd be an amazing big brother.

After the shower I got dressed. The clothes were baggy but really comfy at the same time. I had to roll up the pants so I didn't trip up. I walked out into the living room where Capron and Corey were. Corey motioned for me to sit down on the sofa between him and Capron. I sat between them.

" how about a movie? " Capron said picking up the remote.

" yeah "
" sure "

Me and Corey agreed.

Half way through the film I began to grow tired. Corey noticed and pulled me closer to him, he rested my head on his lap and Capron pulled my legs across his. I soon fell into a deep sleep. Today has been one of the best days of my life. Finally a night free of the cold. A night free of the dirt, the concrete. I am so fricking lucky.


She began go grow on me more than I thought she would. We really connected and she seemed to follow me around a lot. After that night it knew I wasn't going to put her back on the streets or get rid of her, I knew deep down that I wanted to adopt her and I wanted her to be my little sister.

I never told you how long ago this was. Well it was only a year ago but so much can happen in a year.


" corey! " I laughed as he became " the tickle monster " and attacked me. Capron stood with the camera, watching and laughing. He lifted my top up and blew raspberries on my stomach, like a father would do. To be clear I don't see him as a dad. I've only been living with them for nearly a month. I see him as a brother. The best brother ever.

" CAPRONNNN " I laughed, " HELPP" I couldn't contain my laughter.

" I'm afraid you're on your own. " he laughed so hard. Everyone was laughing. At that moment it was like I was never found on the streets and we had been together our whole lives.


The room was full of laughter and good times, good memories. It was one of the first times I realised that I didn't want her to go. I knew from the start that I wasn't going to put her back out there. I promised her.


Corey had put me in his room to sleep. I was going to bed later than I was and he was going to sleep on the floor. I didn't want him too. But he said that I'd slept in the floor enough in my past and he said I deserved to sleep in a bed. I'd nodded and curled up under the covers.

I sat up sweating unable to breathe at a normal pace. My eyes darted around the room. I don't want to go back. I can't go back. I'd had a dream. Nightmare even and all I could think was, please don't take me back, I don't want to go back. The tears rolled down my cheeks and soon I broke out into sobs.

" night Capron! " I heard Corey yell

" night Corey! " Capron yelled in reply. The door opened and Corey walked in. When he saw me he dropped what he was doing and sat next to me.

" hey, shhhhh. " he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me over to him, " what's wrong? " he said quietly.

" I - I d - don't want t - to go b - back " I sobbed into his chest

" you won't go back, you'll never go back. " he reassured me.

" please don't take me back " I whispered quietly, begging.

" I promise, I won't take you back. " he promised me, holding me close to him.

" promise? "

" I promise. " he slipped his shoes off and lay down next to me. I cuddled up next to him.

" you're safe now "


We lay there for the rest of that night and eventually fell asleep. No it wasn't like that, I had a girlfriend and I still do. Like I said earlier, she was like a little sister to me. Ever since that night I knew that she was going to be around for a long time, and that I was going to adopt her.

BROKEN  // COREY FUNK // CAPRON FUNKWhere stories live. Discover now