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Over time we grew closer, and closer. I was planning on adopting her. I spoke to Capron about it and we agreed that I'd be doing it. I didn't know how she would react but I wanted to ask her anyway.


" isabel? " there was a knock on my door.

" come in " I said " oh hey Corey " I said looking up from my laptop.

" hi " he walked and sat next to me. " is it alright if I talk to you about something? If you don't mind? " I shut off the laptop and placed it on Corey's night stand. I was in Corey's room because that's where I felt safest, safe from the outside world.

" okay " I could feel the nerves growing. What if he's kicking me out?

" I was thinking and I would like to adopt you. " Corey said. All my nerves went and pure happiness ran through my veins.

" really? " a smile formed on my face. He grinned wildly too and nodded, " oh my god thank you so much " I threw my arms around him and hugged him. He hugged me back.

" I'll be adopting you but I won't be like your dad, more of a brother. " he said after we let go.

" you're going to be the best brother I could ever ask for. "


I'll remember that moment for the rest of my life. It was the happiest moment ever. I loved her. I really did. She was like the little sister I'd never had.

" Corey " Capron knocked on my door.

" come in " i say quietly.

" hey. " he said sitting on my bed.

" hi " I replied.

" how are you holding up? " he asked me, tears brewing in his eyes. He misses her too. A tear escaped and ran down my cheek.

" I don't know man " I said trying to hold it in. But I couldn't, it all came out. Capron came over to me and I hugged him tightly we sobbed into each other's shoulders, feeling so many emotions. Pain, anger, loss, heartbreak, grief and love. We didn't want to loose eachother like we lost her.

After a while he left and I sat back down at my desk. Here I am writing once more.

This was the first time we noticed something was wrong. We started to teach her how to scooter, she was a natural and she enjoyed it as much a me and Capron did. She was going for a bri flip but she couldn't catch her breathe.


I gripped my handle bars and rode around the bowl. I was ready to try a bri flip. I was about to go in for the flip when I began feeling breathless. I stopped right before I went for it and dropped my scooter collapsing to the floor. Capron and Corey raced over to me. I lay on my back focusing on breathing. But I was on the floor and the floor was cold and damp. Just like the streets. I began panicking once more.

" Corey " I half- whispered quietly as he knelt down beside me. I couldn't gather enough air to be able to speak.

" isabel what's wrong. Just sit up and breath okay? " he was panicking. I nodded slightly, " in and out okay? Deal breathes in and out. Capron go grab some water. " he calmed me down. Capron came back with the bottle of water and I drank it in little sips. I made it out of the bowl and I sat at the edge of the skate park with my back against the wall, head resting on Corey's shoulder, eyes watching Capron and all his amazing tricks.

" thank you Corey " I say looking up at him.

" for what? " he asked puzzled.

" for helping me "

" oh, your welcome. " he smiled wrapping his arms around me. I loved Corey. He was ' big brother goals ' as all the kids say.


We didn't think much of it at first. Just a panic attack we thought. But things went down hill quickly. We had no idea what was going to happen next.

BROKEN  // COREY FUNK // CAPRON FUNKWhere stories live. Discover now