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It's been a month. We know what she likes and dislikes. Today was the day of her first dance competition. She asked us if she could start and she did private lessons, she used to dance before she was homeless. We never quite realised how good she was.


I stood side stage. Capron and Corey were on the front row. I was ready, I hadn't been on a stage in a while. Im definitely better at more of the ballet/ contemporary style so that's what I did. and I was so hyped.

" number 113, Isabel Funk " the judge announced. Since Corey adopted me my name changed to Funk. I heard them both cheering. I haven't even stepped on stage yet. The music started. It was I gorni by ludovico einaudi. When I danced, I didn't dance with my feet, my arms. I danced with my heart and my feet always followed. The music in it's self was stunning and moving. Words couldn't explain the feelings I felt when dancing on that stage, to that piece of music. So many emotions and feelings put into my moves. The dynamics in the music, the tempo, expressed through the way I danced. It was inspiring for myself to even be doing it. There were complicated and hard ballet sections but there was also lyrical sections full of emotions. The dance ended and the audience stood. Wow. Some shedding tears, especially Corey. I bowed and ran back off.

After a few more dances it was time for the judging.

" and in first place... Isabel Funk "


I'll never forget that you know. I did cry. She was amazing, her dance was so inspirational, so moving. The judge cried too. After the judging she ran of stage, set her trophy down and ran straight into my arms crying.


" thank you so much Corey " I sobbed.

" for what? " he asked me hugging me tighter.

" for everything, I'm so thankful, I hope I made you proud. " I sobbed into his chest.

" isabel, I'm so proud of you, we both are. I couldn't be more proud of anything then how much I am of you right now "


That was just one of the most amazing things she could do. She learnt to scooter fast and is catching up with me and Capron. She acts aswell. Her voice is amazing, when she first sang in stage I cried and I cried every time after that and I couldn't be more proud. We didn't know how she did it.

She used to be on our trampoline a lot so we decided to take her to tempest. It was going to be one of the best nights there ever. Let's emphasise the was.


" Capron you're the flipping expert right? " I asked him

" well I could be. " he smiled.

" will you judge my double back and see if I could triple? " he's seemed hesitant at first but finally agrees. I did the double back.

" you could definitely triple. " he said

" shall I try it? "

" yeah you should. " Capron says encouragingly.

" okay then. " I start bouncing really high and eventually go for it and landing on me knees.

" I didn't die! " I yell throwing my arms into the air whilst standing up. Capron and Corey laughed.

" go again your so close! " Corey shouted.

" okay! " I yelled back. For the next 10,000 million times I landed on either my feet and fell or my knees.

" your really close you can do this. " Capron encouraged me.

" we'll get in and out if you land this today. " Corey said.

" okay then. " I replied feeling confident. I tried one last time and stuck it.

" yeahhhhhhhh! " Capron, Corey, jordan, jeremy and a few others cheered. I high fived them and skipped happily over to Corey.

" does this mean we get in and out? " I ask him.

" yes it does. " he smiled at me

" yay! " I yelled running laps of the place giving random people high fives. When I got back to Corey and Capron they were laughing at me. " what? I can't help it, I love in and out. "

" we know " Corey said.


She was happy and that's what mattered most. You're probably thinking, but you said it was going to be the perfect night. Well, after in and out we went home. That's when things went wrong.


We were walking up the stairs when I began to feel a lump in my chest, as if it was stopping me from breathing. I started to breathe quicker but it wasn't getting much more oxygen in.

" Corey " I gasped leaning against the wall. My chest hurt like fire. Tears began to fall down my face. I couldn't breathe.

" isabel, isabel oh my god, Capron call 911 now " he pankicked. He began crying. He didn't want me to die. I didn't remember much before I blacked out.

Corey POV

" Capron she's not breathing. She's not breathing. " I freaked out crying.

" the ambulance is on their way " Capron said wiping his eyes whilst kneeling down beside her aswell. We thought we were going to loose her.


That's when we found out she had only a year to live and we were going to make that the best year of her life.

BROKEN  // COREY FUNK // CAPRON FUNKWhere stories live. Discover now