5. Coupled

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The day was hectic. We packed up all our stuff, putting it in the truck. Colt came around to the back as I tossed the bags into the back of the truck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his face in the crook of my neck. He gave me a soft kiss on my neck before resting his head on my shoulder.

"Hello beautiful." He said, swaying. I leaned my head against his, letting out a refreshed breath.

"Hello handsome. What's up?" I said, putting my hands on his arms.

"Sammy and Nick are grabbing the last few things from inside. You all ready?" He asked, then kissed my cheek. His kisses were addicting and I loved when he gave me random ones.

"Yeah. Come check the room with me." I said, trying to break from his grip. He held on, not letting go.

"Wait. Kiss me first, then you go by yourself." He smiled, eyeing me. I rolled my eyes. I leaned in, giving him a soft kiss. I then ran towards the house, flipping him off. I heard him start laughing.

I got to our room, checking around. I grabbed my pillow and that was all that was left. I smiled, letting myself remember the weekend. After the memories flowed, I turned the light out and shut the door. Sammy walked out carrying a sack, Nick right behind her. She winked at me, Nick just smirked.

After we'd come home, Sammy practically attacked me. She made me tell her everything. They already knew, but were super happy for me. We sounded like crazed girls, jumping and screaming. Well, that was more Sam.

"It's clean. Ready to go?" She said, grabbing Nick's hand. I nodded, shutting off the rest of the lights.

I got in the front beside Colt, the other two residing in the back. It was around noon when we left. The ride was fun. It consisted of us playing pointless games and laughing at the stupid jokes we made up. We got home at around 2:30. My mother was at home and, Chris was over? Colton looked at me funny.

We dropped Nick and Sammy off at Nick's before driving to mine. Chris's prized possession motorcycle was parked in my driveway next to my car. Colton got out first, helping me down. He grabbed my bags in one hand, then held my hand in his other.

"Honey, I'm home!" I called out to my mom when I walked through the door. I had Colt toss my bags beside the door before pulling him into the living room.

"Hey Laney bug. How was your trip?" My mother said, giving me a knowing look. I blushed, hiding my face in Colt's shirt. Chris looked at us funny.

"It was amazing. I'll give you details about it late. Hey bud. What are you doing here?" I said, turning my attention to Chris. He sighed, getting up from the couch.

"Well. My best friend has been ignoring my calls and messages. I had to come find out why. You went on a trip?" He said, looking at Colton. Colton put his hand on my back, obviously trying to prove something.

"Oh, yeah. Colton, Sammy, Nick, and I went off for a out of school vacation over the weekend. We decided to not use our phones." I lied. Colton looked down at me, but I gave him a shut up look.

"Oh, well. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the invite, butt sniff." He joked. Same old Chris jokes. Different Chris.

"It was more of a surprise. I didn't know about it until I was in the truck and going." I laughed, almost forcing it.

Chris walked up to me, wrapping me in a hug. I tensed but finally relaxed. As much as I hated Jodie, I still loved Chris. He was my best friend and I missed him. I hugged back, Colt letting me go. Chris laid his head on top of mine, sighing loudly.

"I miss you, Laney Rose." He said softly. I pulled away, looking up at him.

"Ditto, bud. You've changed though. And not particularly for the better." I said, looking in his light blue eyes. I guess I was searching for the old Chris. But he was hard to find.

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