13. Be Mine

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I yawned, leaning up. Chris wasn't in the bed, but I heard the shower. I got up, stretching out. I walked out and over to Stacy's room. Her and the girls she had over were all sitting around the room, either on their phones or getting ready. When I walked in, they all stared at me.

"Um, Stacy? I know we probably don't wear the same size, but do you have anything I could put on?" I asked, the awkwardness taking over. I realized I was wearing Chris's shirt in a room full of girls that liked him.

"I'm sure we do wear the same size. I'm as tall as you, so just look through my closet. Whatever you need, grab." She said, pointing to all her stuff. I nodded, walking over to the closet. I heard whispering, but decided to ignore it.

"Okay, shut up." I heard a whisper. I turned around to see Stacy and another girl staring at me. I put my hand on my hip and sighed. I raised my eyebrows as if to ask what.

"Well, Laney. We were, uh. Are you and Chris-." Stacy was cut off by a blonde girl.

"Are you and Chris dating or what?" She said bluntly. I cracked a smile before bursting out laughing.

I grabbed my stomach as I laughed. I heard footsteps and then Chris walked in the room wearing shorts only and water dripping from his hair. He leaned against the doorframe, looking at me.

"What's so funny, bug?" He said, smirking at me. I looked up at him, shutting up.

"Ask them." I said, pointing to the girls. He looked towards them and they all blushed. Well, except Stacy who simply rolled her eyes.

"We heard that you and Jodie broke up and then you and Laney were holding hands and came in together and then she is wearing your shirt and you guys slept in the same room and you call her little nicknames all the time and we were just wondering if you guys were dating." A brown headed girl said extremely fast. My mouth dropped open. My head was spinning trying to catch up with her words.

"Damn, girl. You must specialize in speed talking." Chris joked, causing the girls to giggle. The other girl just went red, hiding her face.

"Let me answer those. Yes, Jodie and I did break up. Yes, Laney and I were holding hands and all that other stuff you said. I've called her bug since we were younger. Laney is my best friend. Dating? Undecided." He said the last part looking at me. I blushed, looking away.

"Well, we like Laney better than Jodie." Another girl said. I smiled at her, then looked back at Chris.

"So do I." He said. I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

I turned back towards the closet, looking for something to wear. Chris started talking to the girls again. More like, he'd talk and they'd giggle. I decided on a pair of space leggings and a white one shoulder blouse.

I turned around to see all of them in a huddle, Chris in the middle. I watched them quietly as they whispered. After they were done, they put there hands in the middle, counted down and yelled 'Yes'. Chris walked out of the room, watching me. I thanked Stacy for the clothes before following him.

"Huddled up for?" I asked him as I walked into his room. He laid back on his bed, sighing.


"I'm sure it was nothing." I rolled my eyes.

I pulled off the shirt I was wearing, then putting on the outfit I borrowed from Stacy. I braided my hair, then walked over to the side of the bed. I put my hands on my hips, looking down at Chris. He had his eyes closed, but he wasn't asleep. I bounced down on him, making him grunt in response.

"What were you planning?" I said, narrowing my eyes into slits. He looked up at me, smirking.

"If I wanted you to know, wouldn't I of told you already?" He smarted off. I rolled my eyes, leaning up to get off of him but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back down. "Now, now. Where do you think you're going?"

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