7. Broken

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My day consisted of a Charmed marathon and a good friend called Ben and Jerry's. Colton called and texted, Chris did too. But I ignored all of it. Even Sammy, who had nothing to do with this. I ignored my entire group. I was 'under the weather'. More like 'so screwed up I can't function'.

"Delaney, sweetie. How's it? You okay?" My mom set beside me, putting her arm around me. I snuggled up to her, playing with my spoon and ice cream. I sighed.

"I could be better. I just feel like being lazy and feeling sorry for myself all day. Colton is probably having a cow and will be over soon. But I just want to clear my mind. This summer is starting off to be pretty crappy." I shoved another spoon full in my mouth as I watched Phoebe lay with Cole on the TV.

"Chris will come around." She murmured. I looked up at her. How'd she know it was about him?

"How do you know this has to do with him?" I asked her. She smiled her motherly warm smile.

"Baby. These walls aren't sound proof. And call it a motherly instinct." She kissed the top of my head, then got off the couch.

"I have a lunch date with a guy named Antonio. Just let me know if you decided to do something. Cindy is having another melt down and I won't be home tonight." She said, rolling her eyes.

Cindy is my Aunt, mom's sister. She's been having trouble with her husband and having major melt downs. Mom is the only person who can calm her and talk sense into her.

"Okay. I doubt I do. But I'll call if something does happen." I told her. She nodded her head, then went to change I assumed. About that time, Piper froze a demon and someone knocked on the door. I paused Piper and the demon, getting up.

I answered the door to find Colton leaning against the frame. He looked up at me and relief came over his face. He pulled me to him, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him, because, well, yeah.

"I was worried, Laney. Why didn't you answer? I thought something happened to you." He said into my hair. I sighed, letting him pull away. He held my hand all the way and sat on the couch with me. I pulled my blanket back on and threw my legs over his lap. After I was situated with my ice cream, I looked at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer. I just. So much is going on and I can't deal. My phone's been blowing up. It's driving me insane. I just want to be lazy and do nothing. Watch Charmed all day. I wasn't ignoring you on purpose, well I was. I was only being selfish, and I'm sorry." I said, looking at my melting ice cream.

I felt him shift, then pull me towards him. I was now sitting on his lap with his arms around me. I leaned my head on his chest, breathing him in. He intoxicated me really. He smelt fresh with his axe shower gel and it was relaxing.

"Don't apologize, baby. I understand. Everyone is going to be a little selfish sometimes. I don't blame you. Just glad you're okay." He said, then kissed me softly. It wasn't a long kiss. Just a soft and sweet.

I pressed play on my marathon and watched the Piper, Paige, and Phoebe kick demon ass. Colton stayed with me through out it all and we just cuddled and watched TV. Mom came from her room dressed in a very nice blouse and capris. Her hair was done in a cute up-do. She came over, kissed my cheek and said her goodbyes to us.

"Laneyyyyyy." Colton drug out my name in a whiny voice. I paused my now 5th episode of Charmed.


"Can we go do something? How about we go over to mine? My mother has been dying to see you. She says she missed you and now that we're together.. She just has to see her Delaney Grace." He laughed slightly.

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