Chapter 3

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Bayne's POV

The next morning Aaron and I woke up just before the sun came peeking out from behind the trees. We knew that Farris would be at the cabin shortly and that we would have to wait until they started fighting with Twin Moon pack before we could take him out. We found and followed Lars scent all the way to the pack house; he didn't cover his rogue smell until he was almost there, probably so Farris could send some of his trackers out to find the pack house. Aaron and I found a place where we could hide until the fighting started, but still see both the pack house and the path that led to the cabin.

Around nine o'clock things started picking up in the pack house. People were going in and out, yelling and shouting was heard from the open windows, food was prepared for the party they were going to hold for the alpha that was coming home. No one had a care in the world, and no one knew that there were two trained assassins waiting outside their pack house, or that there was a group of hunters and rogues that were going to start arriving any minute to kill the entire pack.

Ten thirty finally rolled around and I spotted Lars walking out of the back door, into the woods. Just a little while longer and I can kill that ass hole, Farris, and have one less Lead hunter to deal with. I looked over at Aaron, silently asking him if he was ready. He nodded, we quickly and quietly moved from our hiding spot into another that we had scoped out, this one had a better view of the back yard which was now crawling with people. I envied every happy go lucky person that walked through the back door, I wanted to be able to smile like that, to be able to laugh, tell jokes, care for someone, and have fun. But He took that away from me when he made me his puppet. I now despised the sound of my laugh; the horrid noise meant a beating. The sight of a smile on my face made me want to hurl; the curvature of my lips meant I would go two weeks without food and would only get one cup of dirty water a day. The jokes that I heard from the hunters and the Immortals were all about me and how funny it was to see me bleed out. His laugh haunted my nightmares for hundreds of years, but I didn't dare tell anyone, not even Aaron.

Shortly after Lars disappeared I caught the slight sent of rogue. I knew the pack wouldn't smell it; they were too engrossed in the party planning. They would be dead in minutes, Aaron and I shifted and as we did we let our scent out. The air around us was tense as the men in the pack picked up on the change in the air. A snarl came from my right, the rogues had smelt it too; they charged the pack house and started fighting, killing anyone in their path or being killed. Aaron and I jumped out of our hiding spot and started silently taking out the hunters with guns loaded with silver bullets. They hadn't even noticed we were there until Lars showed up and yelled at Farris.

"Farris!" He yelled grabbing his attention immediately. Farris' gaze shot in our direction and his eyes landed on me.

"You!" He said almost to himself as he placed my face with a name. "Sercko said he wouldn't send you!" he yelled.

"You know her?" Lars questioned as I ripped another hunters head off, making my way to Farris and Lars.

"Don't you? That's Bayne Silver." Farris stated louder than I think he meant to. I continued killing the hunters that were in my way. Some started to shoot at me, their bullets only grazing my skin. "Shoot you fools! Aim for her head, kill her!" Farris shouted. I quickly made my way to Farris who had a simple silver dagger in his hands. He smiled at me wickedly.

"What are you going to do Farris?" Lars asked shaking where he stood.

"I'm going to make her bleed until she meets her goddess." I snarled as he lunged towards me. The growls in the background told me that the pack had finished off the rest of the hunters and rogues. I watched briefly as Aaron ripped Lars' head clean off and tossed it back at the pack. They had all gotten closer as they watched Farris and me. My full attention was on Farris as he lunged at me again, I dug my teeth into his shoulder, ripping muscle from bone as I flung him away from me. He threw his dagger at me when I tried to dodge another one of his attacks, the burning and stinging told me that not only was it silver, but he had laced it with wolvesbayne. I grinned as best I could at him, he didn't know I was immune to both silver and wolvesbayne. He stood there staring along with everyone in the pack; I took his state of shock and lunged at him, snapping his neck like it was a twig.

After Farris had slumped to the ground Aaron made his way over to me on two feet, pulled out the dagger and flung it into Farris' chest, then came back to me. Once the dagger was out of my side I shook out my fur and started walking away.

"Who are you?" one of the men asked after me.

"Tell your Alphas they owe Bayne Silver their thanks for saving their pack." Aaron said as he shifted back to four legs and trailed behind me as we ran through the forest putting as much distance behind us and the pack as possible. When we were out of the packs territory I stopped and shifted not caring that Aaron would see me without cloths on, he already knew the state of my bodily wounds.

"Well, that was fun." I said without emotion.

"Why didn't you shift?" Aaron asked not skipping a beat.

"Would you want to know you were saved by a girl? Besides, I want Lead hunters to know that I'm out there killing them, but I don't want other wolves knowing who I am. The wolves who hate me need to know that I am now fighting for them, not against them. And as for the wolves that don't hate me, I don't want to get involved with a pack until all the Lead hunters are dead. No one is to know that I am female. All we tell them is my name, nothing more." I said finally.

Bayne Silver was meant and trained to strike fear into the heart of her enemies. There was no time for fun and happiness, no time for love and hope; just fighting, training, killing and torture. However, one thing had changed about that name. I would no longer be a pawn in the hunter's hands. I would make the hunter's fear the weapon they created. They would no longer be allowed to kill any wolf packs, not as long as I was around. They wanted to create a monster, and they did; now she is out for the blood of her makers.

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