Chapter 25

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Bayne's POV

My head was spinning and my body felt like lead. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move and I couldn't open my eyes. I heard beeps somewhere in the distance and it kept getting louder and louder. I heard quiet voices mumbling something and I think I heard my name a few times, but I couldn't make anything else out. I couldn't tell who was talking because my nose was being overpowered with the smell of cleaning products and pine.

What the hell happened? I remember going into the woods for the last group of wolves during training, then after that it's a blank.

I felt something release some pressure on my left hand and go down to my right knee.

That was weird. What was that?

Seconds after the pressure moved I felt something tug on my left elbow, then a pressure. My insides were on fire, I couldn't yell at whoever it was; I couldn't even open my eyes to see who it was. There was a burning pain radiating through my arm, and with every heart beat it increased and spread. It hurt probably as much as when Sercko would plunge his dagger under my ribs and twist, only all over my body.

The beeping from earlier got louder and louder, I wanted it to go away so I could focus on waking up. My nose wasn't working right yet and my eyes still wouldn't open. This sucks, I couldn't do anything but wait this out, and what if it doesn't end? What then?

Where am I anyway? I don't remember the woods smelling like floor cleaner.

The mumbling voices started to get louder, but I still couldn't hear what they were saying. I tried listening harder but that only gave me a headache. My head was pounding and my heart was beating in time with the beeping that was still getting louder. My limbs were on fire and my chest hurt, but feeling meant I was still alive right?

Man why can't I remember what happened? Think Bayne, think. Okay there were the wolves in the woods that were behind the others in training. I went back to get them, and... I was shot... shot with what? It wasn't a bullet, but it was silver, and laced with something.

The mumbling voices kept getting louder, everything was on fire, but both my hands were tingling, like a good tingle.

A dart! That's what it was; I was shot with a dart, and whatever was on it was now in my body. But what happened after that? And who shot the dart at me?

I finally smelt pine with mint and lemons.

Mates. That's what happened? Aiden and Josh found me? But I don't remember any of that. I don't remember them coming to get me, but I remember running away from someone, or at least trying to.

Then the smell of rain and soil hit me.

Aaron. Did he find me? Was I just so disoriented that I ran away from him? No. I was running from someone else, the person who shot me. But who? And wasn't there two people? A man... and a woman? Who was the woman?

The beeping got louder, there was a ringing in my ears and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. The mumbling voices were more of whispering voices now.

All right, concentrate. Listen to their voices and wake up.

"How did she do it? How did she keep going?" one of my mates said, I couldn't quiet tell who, I thought it was Josh, but his voice was so quiet...

"She always had someone to fight for. After her sister died she kept living for me and Tori." That was unmistakably Aaron, but something was off, his voice was different, like he was sad...

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