Chapter 23

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Aiden's POV

I ran as quickly and carefully as I could back to the pack house with Bayne in my arms. Josh went ahead of me to tell the pack doctor what was coming and to help him get ready, but I don't think anything could properly prepare him for her condition. Sure he had dealt with unconscious wolves before, but none of them were anything like Bayne. I tightened my grip on her, afraid that I would drop her or she would disappear. I don't think I ever pictured myself carrying her this way, trying to get her to a doctor, she refused to see a doctor when she was shot and when she was with Jeremy's pack.

When I reached the pack house I saw Josh outside the front door, I rushed past him and headed straight for the infirmary, the few people I passed had shock written all over their face as they saw who I was carrying. When I reached the infirmary I gently placed Bayne on the hospital bed and took her right hand as Josh placed his hand on her right knee. The doctor came over with a needle and vials for her blood.

"Are you sure you want to be in here for this?" the pack doctor, Zachary, asked.

"We're not leaving her." We told him through a growl, he just nodded and began taking blood from the inside of her elbow.

"We'll have to do some tests before we know what's in her body and how to fix it." he told us.

"How long will that take?" Josh asked I looked from Bayne to Zachary waiting for his answer. Zachary just shook his head and shrugged.

"How long?" I growled out

"I don't know. It could take hours or days, maybe even weeks." He told us. I looked from him to my brother then I turned to Bayne. She looked so miserable, like she was in pain. "I promise, we'll do everything we can to help her. We will find out what the cause of this is as quickly as we can." Zachary withdrew the needle and left the room. Josh and I sat there in silence staring at Bayne, thinking she would open her eyes and yell at us for bringing her to the doctor then yell at me for carrying her. But her face made her look like she was in pain. Aaron walked in a couple minutes after Zachary left and sat in a chair next to the door.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Josh asked no one in particular.

"She'll pull through right?" I directed at Aaron.

"I don't know... I've never seen her like this." He said he looked broken and confused. "We need to know what's in her blood. If this drug can knock Bayne out who knows what it could do to a regular wolf." He continued as if nothing's changed, as if his friend isn't lying in a hospital bed unconscious.

"Is that all you can think about? Are you even worried about her?" I asked, how he could just pass her off like that was beyond me.

"Of course I'm worried about her, but seriously think about the safety of your whole pack, this drug knocked her out who knows how quickly and she looks like she's hurting. Like I said I've never seen her like this, and that's saying a lot, she never shows her pain to anyone. Whatever is in her will destroy any one else." Aaron said.

"He's got a point Aiden." Josh said with despair in his voice. I knew they were both right, but I didn't want to admit or think that the packs future might be in danger while Bayne was like this. I guess the only thing to do right now was to wait for the blood test to come back.


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was waking up to the hushed voices of Josh and Zachary.

"What's going to happen to her?" Josh asked

"I don't know... it's all up to her." Zachary said with a shrug.

"What's going on? Do you know what wrong with her?" Zachary looked from Josh to me and then took a deep breath.

"She was injected with a multitude of drugs, some of which I couldn't identify, but the ones that I could were overly concentrated to the point of being extremely dangerous." He told me

"What were they?" I asked trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"There were traces of silver, which I presume was the needle of the dart. But then there was something closely resembling wolfsbane, but the chemical equation was off a little..."

"That bastard actually did it." Aaron said from the corner, I guess he slept here too.

"Did what?" Zachary asked

"He created a stronger version of wolfsbane."

"Okay, well there was that, some Curare, Sodium Thiopental, and something I can't identify, and that's just the stuff that showed up on our charts." Zachary told us.

"You mind if I take a look?" Aaron asked. Zachary just nodded and handed him Bayne's chart. "The unidentified component is Verbena, a substance that keeps you from shifting and using your wolf to help with strength, speed and healing." Aaron told us

"So what's the other stuff doing to her?" I asked

"Curare is a substance used for paralysis and Sodium Thiopental is a drug used for rapid-onset medically induced coma. And if what Aaron says is right, Bayne now has the metabolism and healing speed of a human." Zachary explained.

"So we have no idea when she'll wake up?" I asked him. He shook his head. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Is there anything we can do to wake her up from the medical coma?" I asked.

"We don't have anything here, but I could go to a local hospital and try and get something through connections I have, but that might take a while if I can get them. The thing with waiting is the longer she's under the more at risk she is, her organs will start shutting down if not taken care of properly." Zachary said

"How do we prevent that?" Josh asked

"Monitor her closely, we'll get an IV in and hook her up to a heart monitor and keep her on 24/7 watch." Zachary said.

"Do it." I told him not looking away from Bayne. I didn't want to lose her when I just found her.

"Yes Alpha." Zachary quickly got Bayne hooked up to a heart monitor and an IV in her arm, then went to make a few calls to the local hospital. Seeing Bayne wired to all the machines made me want to cry, she looked so helpless.

"How are you guys holding up?" Aaron asked after five minutes of silence.

"Does it matter how we're doing? I mean, come on just look at her." The slow beeping of the heart monitor echoed in the small white room, Bayne's skin was pale and cold, her hair fell lifeless around her, and she hasn't moved.

"I know, but she's going to get the help she needs, you need to look after yourselves too." He told us.

"I've already called dad..." Josh told me, my head shot up and I stared at him trying to look pissed. "We need help maintaining the order in the pack, and we can't do it when Bayne is like this," he looked at her and sighed, "Besides, mom will want to meet her when she wakes up." I smiled at the thought of Bayne and our mother talking on the couch... mom rambling about how we needed to finally settle down and Bayne just begging to punch her.

"Bayne is going to kill us when she meets mom." I said jokingly.

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