Chapter 14

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Aaron's POV

After the camping trip everyone seemed to have a whole new respect for Bayne. They started bowing their head when she passed them, or when they passed her, they stopped questioning her training techniques and started following her instructions blindly, and now when she does the mental training they don't get angry when she reprimands them. She had them wrapped around her little finger, but she didn't flaunt it.

We had been staying in Jeremy's pack house for close to three months now and Jeremy wanted to formally invite us into his pack. There was going to be a 'welcome to the pack' party tonight followed by a pack run. Bayne was not too excited for the party, and she had been on edge the whole week; always double checking the area around her, taking extra precautions during runs and training. I tried to get her to relax as much as she would, but that just resulted in me getting an ear full of angry Bayne.

"Hey Aaron, is Bayne going to show up at the party, or should I tell everyone they can relax?" a man named Richard joked.

"You're not funny Richard, just because Bayne doesn't take a day off doesn't mean everyone else has to be on duty 24/7." I told him calmly, but humorlessly.

"I'm trying to ask if I should bring booze..." Richard continued. "Is her all-mighty-ness okay with a little alcohol?"

"As long as you complete the patrol before the party, you can do whatever you want Richard, I don't care." Bayne said as she came down the stairs. The look in his eyes made me smile, his face visibly paled three shades and you could literally see his stomach drop. He nodded and left out the back door as quickly as his two legs could carry him. "How long is this party supposed to go and when does it start?"

"It starts at 7 and goes until midnight." I told her. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Okay, well I'm going to be late. I have to run patrol and make sure everything is secure because I'm sure Richard is going to be too drunk to do it himself. Cover for me until I get there." She left no room for argument and I wasn't going to say anything. Honestly I would much rather deal with an angry alpha then a pissed Bayne.


The party had started about thirty minutes ago and everyone was partying like there was no tomorrow. Some were already drunk and others were not far behind. I hadn't seen Bayne yet, but I was trying to avoid running into Jeremy so I wouldn't have to answer any questions. But unfortunately Jeremy found me.

"Aaron, where is Bayne? I thought she knew this was going on." He looked around the crowd as if he had missed her somehow.

"She does know she just went to run patrol. This really isn't her type of thing, she doesn't like being the center of attention, unless she's ripping someone's throat out."

"Well find her, and soon. I want to initiate her before everyone's too drunk to remember."

"Too late." I said under my breath.

"What was that?" Jeremy asked knowingly I just shrugged my shoulders and held my hands up in surrender. After he walked away I pulled Greg away from the crowd.

"Have you seen Bayne?" I asked hoping someone had had visual contact with her after I spoke with her this afternoon.

"No, but you look like you need a drink." His speech was slow and slurred. Great, just what I need, a drunken Beta.

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