Chapter Five(:

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"Why would they do that?!" I scream.

"Because of the walkers" Andrea says.

"Walkers?" I ask. "You mean those monsters?"

"Yeah, they are dead but they are walking so...walkers."

"Better than monsters I suppose." I say.

"Mom behind you!!" I hear Liz yell. I turn and watch the flesh being torn off my mother's neck. I scream and run to her. I cradle her dying body in my arms.

"Stay safe. Don't forget who you are." She whispers.

"What do you mean?" I say. But it's too late.

She's gone.

I break down and start crying. But then something happens. I feel her breathing. She starts twitching and moaning. Her eyes open and she grabs me. Only it's not her anymore.

I push my my mother's reanimated corpse off of me. She keeps coming. I grab my knife and stab her in the head. I keep stabbing her until I break down in tears.

"Let's just go." I say.

"You know we can't do that Mac-"

"It's too dangerous!" I say, interrupting Dad.

I violently start beating the ground. I feel someone hug me. I look up, expecting Liz but instead I see Amy.

"It's okay Mac...I had to do it's okay." She says, comforting me.

"We should go.." Andrea says to Amy.

"Can we stick with these people? They seem nice." Amy says.

"We can go with you guys, if that's all right." Dad says. It's obvious he is on the verge of a meltdown.

"Okay." Andrea says.

We take out two vehicles and start driving on a road that leads into the forest. None of us acknowledge Mom's absence.

(I feel like no one reads this fanfic but oh well😂😂)

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