Chapter Eight(:

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"Where are we gonna go now?" I asked my father.

"I don't know where..but somewhere safe." He replies.

"No kidding, Dad." Mitch sasses.

"Do you have any ideas? Huh?" Dad snaps. We could all tell he was on edge, but Mitch is the only person stupid enough to add fuel to the fire.

"Well you don't have any so why would you lead us?!"

"That's because I'm your father and certainly have better judgement than you!" He yelled.

"Well it was your stupid judgement that got mom killed!" Ouch. That was a sore topic for all of us, and I can't believe he would throw that out there like it meant nothing.

"Mitch..I..I..." That's all he can get out before he drops to his knees. "You're right...I'm so stupid!" He says in between sobs. Liz runs over to him.

"Daddy it's okay! It wasn't your fault!" She turns to Mitch. "I hope your happy, jerk." She storms off. Mitch just stands there, unable to speak, guilt flooding his face. I'm just standing here with Julie crying into my legs. We shouldn't be standing out in the open like this...especially after that fight.

"We..we should leave." I manage to say.

"She's right," Liz says, walking back to us, "I say we head towards the rural area." She looks to Dad for approval.

"Sounds..fine" he quietly says. He stands up and the sternness comes back into his expression. "Just grab our crap while I hot-wire one of these cars." He says authoritatively. None of us argue. Soon enough we are in the car on our way to somewhere safe.

(How was the argument? Trust me, this fanfic will get better once I get into it more😁 I might post another chapter tonight! comment and don't forget to vote!😊)

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