Chapter Ten(:

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*Julie's POV*

I don't know why we are walking. Or where we are going. All I know is I'm really tired and just want to take a break. Daddy won't tell me what's going on. Mom's gone.. I don't even know what happened to her. 

Ugh my feet hurt! I'm carrying a backpack three times my size. I wonder when we'll get to wherever we are going. I turn to Mitch. He looks sad.

"Mitch where are we going?" I ask.

"Someplace safe." he says, emotionless. 

"Why wasn't it safe before?" I said, confused. He doesn't even answer me. I wait a few minutes. Nothing. So I try again.

"Mitch why wasn't it safe?!" I demand.

"Julie stop, you know why." he says coldly.

No I don't!

"This is hopeless. We're in the middle of nowhere!" Mac whines.

"Don't talk like that. We'll be there soon. Trust me." Dad says.

Be where?!

I can't take it anymore. If I walk another step I'll pass out.

"Daddy I'm so tired!" I yell.

"Julie you can't yell!" Mac whispers to me.

I can do what I want! Maybe if someone would just tell me what's going on I'll be quiet.

I start crying so loud it hurts. I can't help it. It's what I do when I'm upset.

"Julie shut up!" Mitch yells. Just for that I cry louder. Mac then runs over to me and puts her hand overtop of my mouth, muffling my cries.

Two can play that game.

I start to bite her hand and she struggles to free herself.

"Julie please stop!" she pleads. "Ouch! Stop it!"

"Mac make her st-" Liz says. She didn't finish her sentence..

Alright guys, so this chapter was basically just to inform that Julie has no idea what's going on. Sorry if it was confusing, it'll come together eventually lol. And also sorry that I haven't updated for awhile! Wattpad was giving me problems and crashing. Then I got the bright idea to just update on the computer. If you have any questions or want to put your opinions just comment and I'll answer!

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