11- Oh so sad
One night you meet this girl
and things seem to go too well.
You bond too quickly;
always have too much to talk about.
Months later and suddenly it hits you,
this girl is your best friend.
You've told her everything about you,
she's done the same.
You realize how much you care for her.
She deserves to be happy and in love, unlike you
So you give her your hours of advice
on how to remove toxicity out of her life,
how to take a step further.
You even help her look for a nice boy
and you succeed.
Then she leaves you,
not physically, no.
She's happier now, with that boy
and you?
You're the loneliest you've felt in a long time
You have this false hope in the bottom of your little heart,
A hope that maybe she's a good enough person
to get over her deep love and find the time to maybe,
just maybe even text you.
But she never really does.
It's sad.
Very sad.
12- Don't fall in love with the brown-eyed girl
Don't fall in love with the brown-eyed girl
because while you're busy convincing yourself
that you haven't fallen for her,
You'll look towards the skies and know
You're doomed
Don't fall in love with the brown-eyed girl
because when you start to miss her,
to want to hold her hand,
you'll see her eyes in everything
In your morning coffee,
your mother's brown nail-polish,
in the old leather books you read.
It all reminds you of her,
making her absence even worse
Don't fall in love with the brown-eyed girl
because once he swoops her off her feet
you'll find yourself watching from a distance,
staring at those brown eyes knowing
they'll never look at you the way they look at him.
I may be the worst person in the universe but I always try my best for you.
14- I just want to kiss you
I look at you
and I just want to kiss you.