Chapter 1

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Jess's POV

"Goodnight big head. I love you too" I whispered to him and I really meant it. I love him with every bone ligament, vein, and artery in my body.

You're probably wondering who "he" is right ?

Well I'll tell you. HE is my best friend in the entire world! His name Is Elroy Dell, yes DELL like the computer. Elroy is my everything, my heartbeat, my heart itself! Too much? Well It's true El' has always been there for me everytime I needed him, even times when I didnt need him he's been there. I know girls always say that and it sounds super cliche but it's true! I love that kid, and no this isn't the part where I tell you I'm in love with him or in denial about being in love with him, he's like my older brother and I'm like his little sibling that he misses. Ever since his little brother died at 16 he's always tried to treat me as the missing little sibling even though him and I are 2 weeks apart. We're both 17 and starting our senior year in a few weeks but I know how much it means to him so I don't really say anything when he goes all "I'm only trying to protect you" on me. I know it's because he loves me. We use the word "love" a lot because we always promised that no matter how mad we are at each other we should remind each other that we love each other, it could very well be the last thing we say to each other. I remember when we were at his brother's funeral that we made that promise


We were outside, and everyone else had gone back to the funeral home and it was just El' and I by the tombstone.

"Do you want me to go back and let you stay and talk to him in peace?" I asked

He was just quiet as if he was trying to find out why Jack and Rose from the Titanic just didn't take turns on the door thingy, that's something he always pointed out when I "forced" him to watch the Titanic with me.

"No. You're the closest thing to me. And I'm pretty sure that what I'm about to say you know already."

I chuckled a little bit, I always knew what El' was thinking!

He pulled me into a hug and just held me. He then took a deep breath and starting to gently shake and I knew he was crying at this point. I slowly pulled him out of the hug to meet his eyes. I stared into them and was mesmerized they were really beautiful they were dark brown but they had an abnormal sparkle to them. I wiped his tears with my thumb and he smile geniully.

"Close your eyes" I whispered and he did so slowly

I then tiptoed and kissed both of his eyes and whispered "No more crying. We wouldn't want your eyes to lose their sparkle now would we?"

He opened them slowly and stared at me

"I love you Jess." was all he said

"I know. But we just met maybe we shouldn't be throwing around that word love a lot." I said with a devilish smile

He scoffed "oh please we've known each other since we were 4."

"Are you sure? I mean you would think I'd remember such a handsome face?"

He laughed "I'm pretty sure I wasn't handsome at 4. But it's nice to know you think I'm handsome now" he winked.

I rolled my eyes "Yeah right, and you know what? You weren't handsome at four. When I first met you, you were missing your front teeth and you weren't such a ladies man back then either."

"What?!" he said in disbelief "I so was."

"HA! You so weren't! I said hi to you and you ran away screaming like you were afraid of girls."

His cheecks turned red "I wasn't afraid of girls. I just thought you had cooties."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud! "Cooties? Really? You believed in cooties? Ohhh, I am never gonna' let you forget about your fear of cooties now."

"Correction. EX- Fear of cooties." he said puting emphasis on the word 'Ex'

We started laughing and then he stopped to look in my eyes

"You make me forget all my problems, do you know that?"

"Hmm, It's a gift."

"Seriously. What would I do without you?"

"You know I ask myself that everyday."

"Can you promise me something?"

"Yeah. Anything."

"Promise me that we'll always remind each other that we love each other. Even if you were about to punch me, tell me you love me first and then punch me."

"Aww, but then i won't wanna' punch you anymore." I said pouting


"Yeah. But can i ask why?"

He took a deep breath "Because the last thing I said to my brother was horrible! If I had known I was never gonna' see him again I would have hugged him and told him I loved him. But I can't now and all I wish is I could. I don't know when you'll die, and I won't know when I'll die. It could be in the next 10 mins and I don't want our last words to be something we regret. I want you to always know that I love you."

"Aww. Punum (my one of many nicknames for him) I love you more than anything."


I turned around in the bed to face El to see his eyes were still open

"Close em'" I" said and he knew exactly what I was talking about. He closed his eyes and I kissed his eyelids. and said "try to get some sleep punum."

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I woke up this morning and everything was different! I actually WOKE UP ! Usually I would be up before the sun is up, this time i actually fell asleep and NO nightmares! I sat up in my bed smiling and I looked at the lavender sheets and realized I was in Jess's bed. For the first time I actually fel asleep in my best friend's bed. I looked at my best friend sleeping peacefully, she looked so beautiful and peaceful. I smiled knowing that she was the reason why I had actually gone to sleep last night. Something then came over me and I leaned over and kissed her on her full beautiful lips.

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I woke up the next morning with a weird tingling sensation on my lips, and a random smile, I looked over and saw a sleeping Elroy, I plopped back down on my pillow and let a deep breath. For some reason I feel REALLY giddy :-)

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& I'm Sorry It's Kind Of Short ! :-(

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