Chapter 2

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Jess's POV









El kept screaming as he jumped on my bed like a 5 year old.

I groaned "please" jump "let" jump "me" jump "go" jump "back" jump "to" jump "sleep" I said as I pulled the covers over my head.

He yanked them off of me and continued to jump. I glared at him dangerously and he stopped and plopped down next to me

"Don't give me that look" he said

"I wouldn't have to if you would have just let me sleep in peace"

"But I got lonely by myself and needed someone to play with." he said giving me sad eyes like a baby. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"That sounds like a personal problem to me, why did you feel the need to drag me into it?"

"I was gonna' let you sleep but then I got hungry." I immediately shot up. UH-OH !

El in the kitchen? No Bueno!

"Pleeeeeease tell me you didnt go in the kitchen!" I pleaded

"Well. I didn't wanna wake you!" he said putting his head down in shame. I jumped out of the bed and dashed downstairs to the kitchen and saw broken egg shells and yolk on the kitchen counter. Butter on the fridge door handle. And flour EVERYWHERE! I heard footsteps coming up behind me and saw El looking at me with sad eyes. " Sorry" he said in a low tone even though I knew he wanted to laugh as much as I did. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead "it's okay loser. Just clean it up and I'll make you some pancakes when I get out of the shower."

His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas " Yayy!" he yelled and we couldn't help but laughing

" But do I have to clean it up?" he asked as I headed for the stairs. I glared at him " don't push your luck loser." I said waking up the stairs not even bothering to look back to see his face. I took a 25 minute shower not wanting to keep the hungry mess creator downstairs alone in a kitchen. I pulled my hair up into a cute messy bun, threw on some black running shorts that my butt look amazing. Not that I needed any help in that area, and a pair of hot pink Nike air max running shoes and a matching Nike sports bra, my running necklace ( yes I have a running necklace; it motivates me) and my watch, iPod touch and earbud BEATS by Dre. Then I headed downstairs.

"Thank God!" said El as I walked down stairs " I was beginning to think you drowned in the tub or something!"

" Haha. Very funny." I said as I threw my iPod touch on the couch he was sitting on and I went to the fridge, and took out the ingredients I needed. "Want bacon?" I asked

"Duh!l he said

"Don't 'duh' me. I don't have to stand here and make you breakfast I can just drop everything here and go running." I said

"Wait that's what you're wearing to go running? Where's your shirt?" he said

"I'm wearing it doofus."

"No. That looks like the thing Tarzan wore as pants!"

"It's a sports bra dummy. And it's comfortable to run in."

"I don't care if it feels like you're bathing in roses or in a thorn bush, you need to put on a shirt." I rolled my eyes and continued making pancakes. And ignored any further comments or demands he had. Here comes the protective El I know.

"Excuse me Jess! You know what-----"

He stopped talking in mid sentence and he ran upstairs. For what? I don't know. He came back downstairs with an oversized white tee-shirt and MUSHED IT OVER MY HEAD ! And he forced my arms through the HUGE sleeves. When I say forced I mean FORCED ! He literally had to grab my arms and insert them into he holes. I tried to fight but it was no use. When he was finished he went and sat on the couch as if he didn't just force me into a shirt I obviously didn't wanna wear like I was a five year old that doesn't wanna wear their sweater because it's too itchy! I rolled my eyes and put his breakfast in a plate and on on the counter and went back upstairs to fix my frazzled hair. I looked in the mirror I looked like a mess! Red and blonde was everywhere, the shirt was swallowing me whole! And you could see the pink sports bra through the white shirt. I sighed and began to fix my hair.


El's POV

Jess must be losing her mind! Why would she want to go running in a shirt like that?! That wasn't even a shirt! One of these days Jess is gonna' give me a heart attack! Listen to me, I sound like my mom! I laughed at myself. Maybe I was being over protective again! Maybe I should apologize and thank her for making me a bomb ass breakfast ! If it wasn't for her I would be home causing world war III in the kitchen! & I actually slept! For the first time in months, I actually slept and was nightmare free! I heard footsteps and saw Jess with her earbuds in one ear and the other one hanging down, and my t-shirt in her hand and wearing the same sports bra thing on! And she walked over to me and plopped the shirt on my head leaving me sitting on her couch like an asshole. " Are you mad at me?" I asked

She didn't answer and just walked out of the house and putting a Post-it on it. I got up to see what it says. It read "LOCK THE DOOR ASSHOLE!"

I took a deep breath "yeah she's mad at me."


HERE YOU GO ALL OF MY JESS&EL FANS! Hmm. Jess & El; Jessel Sounds Cute :-) :-p

I know it's short but you guys were begging for me to update so it's the best i can come up with in like an hour. And I typed this on my iPhone! That's how much I love you guys! <3 <3 Vote,Comment.

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