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She was sick; her head filled with chaos. Demons consumed her mind, poisoning her blood. She felt insane. Monsters swam inside of her. Her humanity was crushed long ago, by the ones who deceive; the ones who curse, who trick. They get under your skin and spread, contaminating every living nerve and fiber they touch. Their breath is like an infectious disease, one that quickly kills... She was crumbling, losing herself, piece by special piece. She no longer knew who she was. Where had the girl she used to know gone? Someone stole her... She no longer wanted to suffer. She did not want to be controlled by the evils inside her mind; they had taken her before, but she was not going to let them keep her again. She would do it herself... She does not exist anymore. Her grave lies deep beneath the surface of the earth. Only cracks remain.


A sharp, silver blade carved her wrist. An open wound formed. Crimson liquid seeped out, slowly dripping down her pale arm. The liquid that flowed through her veins became thicker, darker and darker until it was as black as charcoal. She had done this many times before, yet that had never happened. Was she imagining it? Was her mind so damaged that she began to hallucinate? Was this all a terrible mirage? She knew no difference between dream and reality. She willed her fingers to move and touch the wound. Wincing in pain, she smeared the blood on her arm. The image wouldn't go away; her blood was stained black. Fear rushed through her, causing the black goo to ooze from the wound quicker.


She began to run. Down the stairs. Out the door. Away from the house. The darkness continued to emanate from her, leaving a slick black trail on the pavement below her feet. The track could be seen from miles away, leading right up to the fleeing girl. She kept running until she was fatigue. She slipped in and out of consciousness, but she still ran. No matter what, she continued to run. Fear was the only thing fueling her, the motivation to get away from whatever it was inside of her, whatever it was that was managing to slowly kill her. Soon the colorful buildings passing by became colorless blurs; gradually turning black like the blood in her body, then gray like the sky overhead, and lastly, white; all that surrounded her became white. She no longer knew where she was.


She collapsed into the arms of a boy. His embrace was warm and inviting. She could not muster up enough energy to move, she had used it all in fear. He picked her up, one arm under her weak legs and the other behind her back. She kept her face close to his chest. She could hear his heartbeat; the rhythm heavy and consistent; enchanting; like sweet music to her ears. Some time had passed, though she had no perception of time anymore; time seemed to escape her, before he set her down again. His hands held her waist to keep her steady, making sure she could stand without falling to the ground.


As she looked around, the last remnants of her fear diminished. They were in a meadow, one generating life. The beautiful flowers were in full bloom. The cloudless sky was bright, and the sun shining down on them was even brighter. She then looked down at her once bleeding arms; the darkness that leaked from her wrists began to evaporate. The open wounds now closing, healing on their own. The jagged scars fading, disappearing. All her imperfections became perfections. Finally, she looked in front of her, and her eyes were met with those of the boy. He was focused on her, intently memorizing the sketch of her face; the dip of her lips and the curve of her cheekbones... She smiled at him, and he smiled back.


She wasn't afraid of him like she was with the others. She began to feel again; feel anything but pain, sorrow, and fear itself. Before, her soul was tainted, but in the presence of him it was suddenly restored. An unusual warmth spread throughout her, starting with her chest and creeping to the rest of her body; she was happy. She looked deeper into his eyes and saw herself; who she could be, with him; a perfect version of herself. Only, nothing was different. She could see that, in his eyes, she was already perfect. She was no longer the broken, beat-down girl trying to escape her hollowed and emptied self. She felt beautiful, smart, and so much more. She now accepted all of the things she previously denied.


His fingers traced where her self-inflicted scars once were, not to sham her, but to show her she was loved, that he could really see her. She wasn't invisible, not anymore. He knew what she was going through... It felt as though sparks ignited at his touch, siring her skin. It wasn't painful, though. It was dangerously intoxicating. She craved the feel of his touch and the sound of his voice... A blush rose to her cheeks as she looked away, studying her surroundings. He would not take her eyes off her; he could not, scared he might miss even a second of her beauty, her delightful essence. He thought she was absolutely stunning, and all together perfect.


The sunlight reflected off of something in the distance, creating a blinding light to emerge far off in the field. Their curious minds wanted to get a better look. They stepped closer and closer, walking towards the shining object. Halfway there, they saw a mirror sitting on the line separating them from the harsh, life crushing society and the Utopian-like meadow. Once they were close enough to practically walk through it, images began to appear on the glass. They were indecipherable, almost as if they were merged together to create absolute chaos - like the chaos that previously clouded the girl. Then, it all just disappeared in the blink of an eye... Standing before them was their own reflection; a boy and a girl holding hands, their fingers laced together.


The pad of his thumb slowly swiped across the back of her hand as he held it. She smiled at the calming feeling, thinking it was a subconscious action of his, like when she sometimes bites her bottom lip. His hand left hers for a split second. In that short period of time, her heart skipped a beat, hoping he was not leaving her such as so many others had before. His arm draped across her shoulders, pulling her closer to his side. Her hand found his once more, and the warm, comforting feeling returned; she loved the feeling of being with him. She melted into his side, feeling his rib cage expand slightly with every breath he took.


With the drape of his arm, she knew she was safe. This - right here, right now,with him - was her new home. She could leave all the despair and hunger behind, and strive in a new life. An improved life. A life. One where she was not purely insane, but instead insanely happy... As they stood there, in the field, hand in hand, it felt as though the stars themselves had perfectly aligned. As through everything in the world magically became absolute. As though their atoms joined together to create one being instead of two. As though their souls molded together to become immortal.

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