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I want you in the most innocent of ways.

I want your hand in mine as we walk down the streets passing by window shops and not buying a damn thing.

I want you as you sit at your desk going through paper work while I sit on the sofa reading my favorite book for the millionth time. You look at me while my eyes scan the torn pages and think, "I want this for the rest of my life."

I want you in the kitchen attempting to help cook dinner but failing because the only thing you can focus on is how much food you can smother on my face.

I want you in a bath with me sitting in between your legs. Your hands draw smooth circles on my thighs and your lips leave kisses behind my ear.

I want you on nights where it's all too much and the only thing right is you and me.

I want you in the summer afternoons where the windows are open and a soft breeze that smells of the tulips in the garden is carried in. Your favorite album playing and we will be dancing along.

I want you in the car, with you behind the wheel and me in the passenger's seat. Your hand resting on my thigh or holding my hand on top of the center console, our fingers intertwined, while I listen to you singing out of tune.

I want you in bed with my head on your chest, your arm around my waist and our legs tangled together. You touching me, not for sexual desire, but because it's your touch that makes me feel safe and at home.

I want you in the most innocent of ways...

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