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In the beginning, skies were blue, the grass was green, flowers bloomed and looked towards the heavens. Everything was peaceful. Then, one unusually gloomy morning, everything changed; clouds covered the sun, the once crisp grass turned stiff and brown, and all of the beautiful flowers died almost instantaneously. People walked outside of their homes and were unable to recognize their own neighborhoods. Panic began to rise all over the countryside. Everyone wondered the same thing; what had happened to - who had stolen - their oasis?

The religious ones blamed the devil for the act of treason, that Lucifer himself decided that he had suffered enough and it was humanity's turn to see Hell on Earth; he would show his undying love to God by ending his greatest creation, which, surprisingly, convinced even the most stubborn atheists and free thinkers that it was a reasonable explanation.

Of course, scientists refused to believe that one of God's archangels were the cause of the sudden atmospheric change. They had settled on the idea that global warming was finally taking its deadly toll on Earth, that the human race itself had created the demise to its loving planet. They stated that "we had this coming all along" because they had warned the populous of the cost of their ignorant actions and of the inevitable destruction that was yet to come. Still, everyone else had continued to live as though everything was perfectly fine, which it obviously was not.

Neither their bickering nor their stupidity could salvage what was left of their home. It was the end. Maybe it was only the end of an era, to clean the slate so to speak. Maybe humanity was to be wiped out only to be reborn in a better light, one where self-mutilation, war, and division would no longer exists on the same plane. Maybe it really was the end, one where Earth would sit in the solar system as a planet wasted away; its life stripped from it for good, as though, for some unknown reason, it had lost its privilege by a higher being...

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