11. Hospital AU

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+ idk what to title this
two main characters, third pov limited (ideally from girl's perspective)

+ synopsis
when Raina sees a familiar set of eyes and a crooked grin blasted onto the screen of her television, she finds herself crumpling into a pile of sobs as the impact of the news hits her full on. Another young idol had committed suicide. But unlike the other cases, where there had just been another pretty face put to waste, Raina knew this particular boy. And while she couldn't quite remember his name, she could still remember the first time he showed up in the ER. And that alone was enough to make Raina want to learn more about the circumstances leading up to this boy's death.

+ extra
girl works as a surgical intern when she meets boy at the hospital she is working at. He's covered in bruises and she thinks that he must be a victim of abuse seeing as he's still young and claiming that all the injuries are self-inflicted (most abuse victims refuse to acknowledge that they're being abused). He says that he was advised to head to the hospital after collapsing in the middle of practice (she finds out he's a dancer which somewhat explains the bruises). After examining him she finds that he's malnourished and dehydrated, which explains why he collapsed, but he's also running a fever which makes the girl want to keep him overnight for observations but he is strictly against that and opts for an IV drip and medicine instead. That is the end of their first encounter.
- boy turns out to be an idol but doesn't tell her because he is a trainee but drops hints to let her know he'll debut soon
- he comes several times later for similar injuries
- girl gets to know him more as he spends more time at the hospital for fevers, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
- she doesn't realize he is suicidal bc she's too caught up in his own feelings
- entire story is told in flashbacks
- end could be the girl going to his funeral???

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