14. The Pursuit of Hapiness

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Lee Suhyun as a quiet bookworm who finds happiness in perfectly made hot chocolates and too-big sweaters with sleeves that cover her fingertips

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Lee Suhyun as a quiet bookworm who finds happiness in perfectly made hot chocolates and too-big sweaters with sleeves that cover her fingertips.
Kentaro Sakaguchi as a bored high school student who risks his life each day just to finally feel something.

Yet another high school AU where two lonely souls collide and find true happiness in each other's company.

- they're total opposites
- kentaro's a daredevil and spends his weekends doing stupid crap like cliff diving or street racing
- suhyun spends all her time in the library or at your local Starbucks reading as much as she can
- they're in the same English class
- one day they get partnered up to work on a project together that requires them spending time together outside of school
- of course that means that they find out a bit more about each other's lifestyles which prompts an argument on the true pursuit of happiness

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