1. With Great Power

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Shownu as an idol-turned-hero looking to make a difference in the worldSeulgi as a desperate photographer for her school's failing newspaper

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Shownu as an idol-turned-hero looking to make a difference in the world
Seulgi as a desperate photographer for her school's failing newspaper

In which Seulgi takes on the task of finding out who this new neighborhood hero really is in order to land her school's newspaper a story that will restore it back to its former glory.

Suggestions for this fic include:
- many chance encounters with seulgi and shownu
- split narrative like seulgi one chapter and shownu next
- making it personal by having shownu save her sibling
- lots of cats stuck in trees and little old ladies needing assistance crossing the street
- deals with bullying!!!!
- they can end up together if ya want but I don't really see that happening

Paper Hearts | MISCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora