6. The Boogeyman

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Kaiden watched her leave the office and once the door shut behind her curvaceous figure, he let out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding.

What the fuck just happened?

He had to admit, seeing her had been a surprise. What type of surprise however he couldn't tell.

In his thirty-two years of existence, never had he felt so... flummoxed by a woman before. Especially one that dared to stand up to him when he knew he was being an ass. 

He couldn't help it, it's just the way he was engineered. Inability to be gauge human emotion, his sister had called it. Others just called it being a grade-A asshole.

He didn't mind it though, he'd become accustomed to the term a long time ago. 

He took a minute to clear his addled mind, trying to understand what exactly had just happened. 

His mind reeling, he loosened his tie as fine sweat formed on his upper lip. Her poor attempt to look unattractive even in her demure blouse tied in a bow at the base of her throat, the delicate material cinched in at her waist. Calf length skirt hugged her beautiful hips and thick thighs and her hair... fuck.

He adjusted his erection in his pants blaming his sudden interest in jetlag. He had been flying for the past ten hours after leaving Greece for an emergency board meeting.

He hadn't noticed those curves during their first meeting, underneath all her clothing it was impossible. Recalling their meeting a mischievous smile made its way to his lips. The woman was intriguing. Perhaps the most intriguing woman he had ever met. And for some odd reason, he couldn't pass the chance of getting on her nerves.

She'd held back to the best of her ability, not calling him the insults he deserved but rather sheathed the curse words he could see she so clearly wanted to hurl at him.

He had been looking forward to his time in New York, seeing as this was the city he spent most of his teen years in the shadow of his father learning the business ways, but now with the feisty, beautiful dark-haired, he was sure it would be more fun. 

Her fragrance lingered in the air, light, teasing, just like the woman herself. His erection twitched in his pants and he let out a curse. He hadn't been with a curvy woman before, always in the midst of women who worked too hard on their slim figure and nonexistent diet. But by God, he'd take her, over the mahogany table, on the couch, on the Persian rug. Anywhere, as long he got to feel her soft skin fill his palms and her moans reverberating in the air...

Jesus. He let out a shaky breath getting more aroused by his explicit thoughts. He shook his head. It was just jetlag, his body trying to adjust to the changes and somehow increasing his lustfulness. 

Annabella Hart wasn't his type. She was strong-headed, impulsive, and... insanely hot. 

He cursed again and grabbed his phone sending a text to the one person who could help him relive this state of arousal he was in. Because the last thing he needed was to be lusting after his PA every day when she worked in such proximity with him. It wouldn't be a big deal however, after all, Annabella Hart was not his type.


Ella tried and failed not to look so stupefied at her surroundings.

Her new boss had insisted that she used the day to get used to the building and would begin work promptly the next day.

"This is the cafeteria, they serve some impressive cuisine. Depends on the day. Monday's and Thursday's are for French cuisines, Tuesday's and Friday's Italian, and the last but definitely not the least is Wednesday for Chinese cuisine. They alternate a few times, depends on what the chef is feeling like, but the suspense keeps us intrigued."

Ella stared transfixed at the vast area, the elegant decor, and organized placing of seats.

She'd seen some impressive places so far in the building but this definitely beats them all. She could only guess the fortune it must cost to get a meal here. It looked like a five-star restaurant.

"It's all free for employees, so you don't have to worry about it costing too much," Amelia stated seemingly reading Ella's mind.

Ella nodded relief washing over her. Amelia moved out of the impressive area and lead her to another section. The next room was a little smaller than the cafeteria but had a science fiction vibe going. There were a few decorative pieces of robots around and a quote from Einstein hung over the entryway.

"This is the leisure room. It's mainly for relaxing, innovating, and thinking." She gestured to the bean chairs and game machines in the corner. "It's mostly used by the nerds though seeing as they're the only ones around here with some free time to actually indulge in the cool benefits of this place."

"Now that's hardly fair." Both their attentions faced the newcomer. With a dazzling smile on his face, the blonde-haired raised his coffee mug high. "We nerds are the brain and heart of this company. Without us, it'd all go to shit. And then who would pay for those spa appointments you make every month."

Amelia blushed lightly at his words and shoved him lightly. "This incurable jerk is Tony, head of the development team."

Tony, a six-foot-something guy with a lean build and bright green eyes watched Ella with an appraisal written in his gaze. He held the coffee cup in a hand and held the other out to Ella's for a shake. "No relation to Tony Stark though I've been accused of having his brain. You won't see me making any robots and fighting for world peace though." He placed a kiss on Ella's outstretched hand and gazed at her through his eyelids. "I do it in my spare time." He completed the sentence with a wink and Ella almost laughed at him.

He was confident alright, and smooth. But she was made of sterner stuff than that. And it'd take more than a reference to a Marvel movie to get her to bat an eye at him.

"I'm Annabella Hart, I'm the new PA for Mr. Blaq."

Tony's eyes widened in only what she could register as a shock. "You're working for Kaiden Blaq?" Ella nodded, unsure of where the conversation was heading. Tony's eyes only became wider. "Holy shit. No offense but do you know what you just got yourself into?"

Amelia shook her head disapprovingly at Tony gesturing for him to stay quiet. Tony however was not to be deterred. "The man is probably one of the most feared people in this company. He's rich and extremely arrogant with an IQ the size of Jupiter to back him up. We've never had him here but the branch in Italy where he was CEO apparently called him the Boogeyman." Ella's eyes widened. "That's how bad it was."

"You also failed to mention that said branch got out of the slump they were in and became the leading company in all the branches barely after two months of his being CEO," Amelia added with a proud smile. She patted Ella. "He's maybe... standoffish at first, but he's a brilliant man, with a brilliant plan for this company and I can't wait to see what he'll do here."

Ella felt reassured by her words although she still hoped she hadn't been wrong in her decision. 

Tony scoffed. "You say that because you're in love with him. Just like the hundred percent of females in the entire company." He faced Ella with a grim look. "I like you, snow-white, try not to get caught by the boogeyman." And with a final nod, he walked away whistling the Baba Yaga tune.

Ella swallowed. "Don't mind Tony. He's known for being the company clown, don't let him get to you." Amelia reassured. But it was too late. Ella was already reconsidering her other choice of fleeing to Connecticut far away from the clutches of the boogeyman.

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