31. Butterflies & Orgasms 🌶️🌶️

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When she came out of the restroom, Kaiden had left his previous spot, now standing by the bar where he was filling his glass with an amber liquid.
He looked up when she walked in, a small smile on his lips. He'd rolled his sleeves up and unbuttoned more buttons on his shirt. Ella had to remind herself to breathe.

"Do you need anything? A drink perhaps." He left the bar, advancing towards her with a hand in his pocket, the other holding the half glass of amber liquid. "I have some wine if you-" She cut him off when she snatched the glass from him, draining the whiskey.

Eyes wide with surprise, Kaiden watched as she cleaned off the glass in one go.
She bit her tongue to hide her grimace as the bitter liquid burned a path down her throat. As calmly as she could, she walked over to the bar, finally scrunching up her face when she was sure Kaiden couldn't see her anymore. Yet she reached for the bottle pouring another glass which she finished off just as quickly as the first. When she reached for the bottle again, a hand stopped her before she could pour another glass and she looked back to see Kaiden regarding her carefully.

"Are you alright, Ella?" Her heart fluttered at his use of her nickname. It had always been Annabella, and she liked it, no, she loved it. But hearing him use her nickname felt like they were familiar with each other now. She hoped they were, if not this would be a very awkward night.
"We don't have to do this, you know. It's not about the sex for me-" She pressed her lips to his and Kaiden froze.

Still, she pressed on eagerly waiting for a response. But Kaiden remained unmoving, towering over her frame with his hand still holding hers. Then slowly, his lips began to move, just when she was about to give up and label the night a fail. He took over the kiss, seizing control as he eased her into a more easy movement, his hand on hers reaching for her face. His tongue prodded her lips, seeking permission, with her head swirling she accepted, unable to hold the moan that slipped past her lips.

Kaiden groaned at the sound, and a hand wrapped around her waist tightly as he turned her around so her body was facing his. The hard planes of his stomach tempted her, and unable to stop herself, she reached for his shirt, unbuttoning it quickly. Kaiden mumbled something, but she didn't care, and when the buttons had come undone, she reached for him, moaning deeper at the feel of his skin against hers.

Suddenly, Kaiden pulled back, panting, his eyes wild as they settled on her.

There was some dark on his chest, and as she worked on calming herself, she peered at it. And through her lust-filled mind, she saw it was a tattoo. The words 'sanguis leonis', definitely not English written in dark cursive letters, were medium-sized and rested perfectly on his left pec.

This was a surprising discovery. She had never pegged him for a tattoo person.

Her eyes went back to his face, his lips pink and swollen called to her and she'd never felt a stronger urge to bite someone before. Maybe she could bite him where he had his tattoo, he looked like he would like it, maybe he wanted to bite her too.

Her sex clenched. God, she hoped he bit her, she'd been imagining his lips and teeth on her body for too long. She couldn't wait for more articles of clothes to come off, thinking of all the secrets she could find on his beautiful body.

"Ella..." She refocused her gaze to his seeing his breathing calming down as his fist clenched and unclenched. He exhaled deeply, expression serious. "We can't jump into this, you need to know," he moved towards her cradling her face and she let out a soft whimper as her body pulsed in response to his touch. "It won't just be sex for me. I've made my intentions clear, and you've proposed this arrangement, but still, I feel I should inform you what you're getting yourself into." He closed the gap between them, coming so close she could feel his hard length resting on her stomach. His gaze now predatory scanned her face and she felt herself heat up.

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