35. The Kaiden Effect

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She could count on one hand how many times she had traveled, and how many cities she had been to. Not a few, the most popular on the very short list was DC for a class excursion when she was fourteen.

But Vegas, no, nothing beat Vegas.

There was someone important Kaiden had to meet there, and he had no time to waste because if he missed a meeting with the person in question at that particular time, it would be hard to get another meeting scheduled.

From what he'd told her -which was very little- his standoffish behavior unrelenting, this was somewhat of an ambush.

He had given her an early leave the previous day so she would have enough time to pack. Any other conversation was forgotten.

"It's nothing fancy, we'll be back by Sunday." He had said nodding slowly, and with an awkward head scratch, walked out the door, dismissing her completely.

She got home, irritated and a little excited about their trip. Okay, a lot excited, she couldn't help it. They were going to Vegas!

Alex helped her pack, grumbling about how she never went on fun trips these days, no matter how many times Ella reminded her with an eye roll it was a 'business trip'.

"A business trip with your very hot boss who you had a very steamy one-night stand with." Alex had argued, clapping her hands together and making googly eyes. "Babe, all that's missing is a ring, and this might as well be a honeymoon for you two."

Ah, the dreaded one-night stand.

When she had informed Alex about her finally taking the leap, she had left out a few things, like; their awkward conversation the next morning, or how one night hadn't been enough to get him out of her system.

That didn't matter now, things were back to normal... even though she fucked her boss.

She let out a loud groan at the thought earning odd looks from a couple walking through the airport entrance.

She had arrived at LaGuardia way earlier than she should have. Mainly to spite Kaiden who had informed her he would pick her up himself, and all she had to do was wait. It brought a wicked smile to her face, thinking of how pissed he would be.

Ah. Small victories.

He had sent her a text a few minutes ago asking where she was and she'd replied as sweetly as she could. He had sent no response after and that made her a little nervous.

Just a little.

She heard a car pull up behind her, and like her body knew when he was near, her heart quickened before she turned around spotting the familiar SUV. John got out smiling knowingly at her and she grinned. Said grin fell off when Kaiden stepped out of the car looking perfectly edible in a brown cashmere sweater and dark grey jeans, sunglasses resting on the collar of his sweater. He spoke a few words to John, patting the man on his back as he retrieved his bag from the trunk of the car. He had packed light too, but that wasn't Ella's main focus now.

She scrambled her brain for words as he gathered his belongings. She had written a speech, something about not caring about him, but her words had disappeared and he hadn't even reached her.

He nodded once more at John before the reliable bodyguard got into the car and drove off. He stayed watching him drive off, and when the dark SUV disappeared into the traffic, he faced her, and, yes, she stopped breathing.

He took off his sunglasses from his sweater and put them on instead, shielding those stormy orbs from her as he took measured steps stopping when he was just a few inches away from her. "I told you to wait."

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