30. Gattino e la tigre

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The awkwardness of the situation set in during the silent car ride home. And now, as the elevator in Kaiden's condo building slowly took them to his floor, Ella questioned her sanity.

Had she really suggested a sex only relationship to Kaiden, and had he just agreed?

She glanced at him briefly, finding his gaze narrowed on the passing floors. He was tapping his feet, his arms folded and form tense, all signs he was running out of patience.
Ella swallowed. She studied Kaiden's form again. He was a man. Six-foot plus wasn't exactly short. And those shoulders. She watched their reflection in the blurred metal. She barely reached his shoulder, even in her low heels. Compared to his body size, she looked like a kitten standing next to a full-grown tiger.

Alex had always told her that a guy's size determined the size of his... well, package. And if that was to be believed, then Kaiden's package- She reddened. That wasn't appropriate. Then again they were heading to his apartment to engage in less than appropriate no strings attached sex.

She held back a sigh. Complicated doesn't cut it, does it?

The elevator stopped, doors opening, and Kaiden gestured for her to step out first. She walked out, trying to keep her nervousness at bay, even as her legs trembled with every step she took.
She could feel him behind her, his movement precise, gaze on her. A fresh wave of heat settled in her lower belly. She stopped abruptly, turning to face him, and of course he was watching her.

Did his gaze always have to be that tense?

She cleared her throat before speaking, head high, trying to make him believe she was still in charge of the situation. "Aren't you supposed to be leading the way?

He smirked, tilting his head in that mischievous manner of his. "We're here." He nodded to the door on their left. Ella felt her heartbeat quicken. Was she really doing this? She could back out any moment.

"Having second thoughts?"
She looked away from the door facing him instead. Eyebrow raised, he still had that smirk on. He was daring her. She felt anger well up in her. Oh, he thought she was going to chicken out. She really had made herself look weak to this man. Time to change.
She smirked, taking slow steps towards him. Close enough, she could feel his breath on her face, she watched his gaze darken. She tiptoed, wrapping her hands around his neck to gently guide his ear to her lips. Lowering her voice to make it sexy she whispered in his ears; "Are you?"

She felt him tense, his heartbeat quicken, then suddenly he wrapped a hand around her waist pulling her closer, so close she could feel the magnificent swell of his cock against her belly. She bit her lip. "No. Never." Kaiden replied.
She took a moment to steady her breathing before speaking. "Then open the door.

She felt him smile against her, then he slowly pulled away before putting in his code. There was a satisfying and terrifying sound of the door unlocking and she had to remind herself to calm down. This was what she wanted. What she needed. All she could hope for now was after one night with him, she could get rid of whatever sex bug she'd caught.
He wouldn't be happy, but then that wouldn't be her problem. Yes, it was mean. But Kaiden had made it very clear that he wanted more than just sex. And she knew him agreeing was a plan he'd deviced in his head with the hopes that the sex would be so good, she'd fall head over heels in love with him. Well, that wasn't going to happen, no matter how good the sex might be. She wasn't in this for a relationship.

Kaiden pushed the door open, and Ella held her breath as she walked in.
The lights gradually increased as she walked in, and she guessed there was some state of the art artificial intelligence powering his home. She wouldn't put it past him. Blaq Industries did deal greatly in futuristic intelligence, for Christ's sakes, they were making a unique, extremely lethal aircraft for the US government. Wow, she was working for a very important person.

She felt his gaze follow her as she strolled around his place, and she tried to ignore how it made her tingle inside out. The silence wasn't helping, as she could hear his slow footsteps behind her, never straying, stopping when she did, resuming when she did. She wrapped her arm around herself, counting to ten in her head to calm her erratic heartbeat.

"Are you cold?" She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. If she let her head fall she knew she would be leaning directly on his chest. Not willing to fight it, or prolong the matter at hand, she did. And sure enough, her head rested on his sturdy chest. She kept her eyes closed even when she felt his hands around her, just breathing in his heady scent.
She could hear his heart beat, and she knew, he was nervous. It surprised her, surely a manlike Kaiden didn't feel such emotions, but she knew he did. And that little information gave her the power and confidence she had at the start of the day.

Slowly, she turned around to face him, opening her eyes slowly. She watched his gaze darken, smiling discreetly. She bit her lower lip, and just as she suspected, Kaiden reached out with his thumb to pull her lip away from her teeth. When he did, she parted her lips, lightly licking his thumb. She heard him inhale harshly and she felt her confidence grow. Placing her hands on his chest, she continued licking his thumb watching his entranced expression. Then, she opened her mouth, taking his thumb into her mouth, slowly sucking on the finger. She watched his Adam apple bob as he swallowed and she smirked.

"Annabella..." He growled, leaving the sentence unfinished, or maybe he didn't have anything to say. She looked up at him with doe eyes then slowly, very slowly, popped his finger out of her mouth, without breaking eye contact licked the trail of saliva she'd left behind.

Kaiden followed her movements with darkened eyes. He must be wondering what possessed her sometimes. But Ella had prepared for today, although she wasn't sure they'd be having sex so quickly. But she was an avid reader of Harlequin novels and Alexandra Hawkins. Which meant, seduction and sex weren't new to her.

Feigning a lost expression, she looked around the room. "Where's the bathroom?"

She could feel Kaiden's eyes on her, burning a trail everywhere they rested. He stayed silent for a second before replying. "Down the hallway," He pointed. "The last door."

She nodded, following his directions, willing her legs not to give out on her. She reached the bathroom, locking the door behind her before leaning on it, hand on her chest, still processing the emotions in her.
She walked towards the mirror studying her reflection. Those glints in her eyes, she'd never seen them before. And her complexion had a certain flush to them, her lips plump and full from all the biting and kissing.

She ran her hands through her massive dark curls, wetting them a little from the tap water, her natural curls adding a softness to her facial features. She dabbed her face with a little water to reassure herself she wasn't dreaming. But she wasn't, she knew it. And it terrified her slightly.

She couldn't wait for the night to be over so she'd go back to life before this, before craving him.
She looked at her reflection again. Just this once, she wouldn't think of the consequences. This was about her. She deserved to be selfish just this time. And if that meant she would see this to the end, then she would. Not because Alex suggested it, not because she couldn't help it, but because she could and she wanted to.

Exhaling deeply, she moved away from the mirror, taking calming breaths before walking out of the bathroom.

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