13. Nirvana

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Complete dread overtook her as they made their way to the conference room.

It was located on the floor below Kaiden's office and every bit as mysterious as his floor.

He walked at an unhurried pace, one hand in his pocket and the other free by his side. A calm look on his face despite being uneasy, while Ella's feelings were a complete wreck compared to his calm and composed one.

In her hands were the files he'd been working on so hard these past two weeks. According to him, they were a record of financial statements, ongoing dealings he was currently undertaking with other major conglomerates all over the world.

Only recently did she realize just how influential the company was. They had hands in every major business one could think of: oil, banking, automobiles, airlines, advanced technology to name a few.

Their biggest client however was the United States Navy. Extremely confidential -meaning only she and Kaiden were before such information and perhaps the board- Blaq Technologies were up in a bid to supply the US Navy with a state-of-the-art aircraft and other technologies that she couldn't wrap her head around.

Such an important company and she was the PA to the head of the said company. The magnitude of her work finally settled on her shoulders and she realized just how vital it was for her to always be composed and professional. No matter what.

"Remember, try not to show weakness. The people in that room look at me and see a privileged child only in this position because of my name." He stopped and faced her, a serious and confident look on his face. "We're going to prove them wrong."

Feeling a surge of strength she nodded, swallowing her nervousness and summoning whatever inner will she had to enable to survive the meeting without losing complete focus.

Reaching the door of the conference room, he stopped exhaled, and pushed the doors open with Ella following close behind.

All faces in the room turned to face them and Ella recalled each of the faces from the files she had sent all night memorizing. On the left side were three men and two ladies. The first man with greying hair and a disgruntled look on his face was Mr. Harrison. He owned a 6% shareholdings in the company and ran his own automobile business in England.

The slightly younger man with blonde hair and greying hair at the sides, an easy look on his face, nodded in greeting to Kaiden when they made eye contact. Peter Martin. An old family friend of the Blaq's also their lawyer who ran a law firm in Australia. He owned a 9% share in the company.

The other man, Ella couldn't recall, try as she might, the two ladies she recognized one. Maxine --- a french heiress who ran her family's chain of hotels. She had an 8% share in the company.

Then on the other side were the big guns. The members owned a higher percentage of shares than most in the company. Ranging from 15% upwards.

But of all of them, the person with the highest amount of shares was Kaiden and his father who Ella realized had yet to arrive.

Kaiden took a seat at the head table exuding confidence and pride. The same impassive look on his face he greeted just as Ella took a seat on the secretaries chair.

"Gentlemen," his baritone voice sounding deeper, sent a wave of pleasure through Ella to settle in her underwear. She clenched her thighs together as she muttered her mantra over and over ignoring the fact that it wasn't working.

"Ladies," he continued. "Thank you all for being here."

The door opened and a man stepped through. Ella didn't need a picture or to read the file to know who this was. The resemblance was uncanny. A spitting image of his son, but on the older side, much bigger with a... friendly vibe. Dressed casually in a polo and khaki pants he gave off a leader's aura.

Everyone in the room stood as he walked in as did Ella. This type of respect wasn't commanded, it was earned.

He walked up to Kaiden and patted him on his shoulder. "Son. You look well." His voice sounding much deeper than Kaiden's but unlike the broody tone of his son, he sounded jovial with a hint of an accent.

He turned to the rest of the room and waved a hand. "You can all sit please, I believe I've wasted enough of our time." Yet everyone waited for him to be seated before they took their seats. And then the meeting commenced.

Kaiden sat up adjusting his tie he pressed the remote for the projector. A picture of what seemed like blueprints came on.

"The X-one series. It's been in the making for the past four years, something I and a lot of workers invested much of our time and as you are aware, the company's income, but finally it's ready." His voice didn't waver, neither did it fall or rise. It was steady as his face. His poker face on, he gave nothing of what he was feeling away. He casually placed his hand on the table and leaned forward. "There is a confidential conference meeting to be held by the US Navy based on the contract for warcraft and technology. Various companies have been vying for a chance to win that contract. But out of the two selected, Blaq industries is one of them."

His voice being the only sound in the room sent shivers through Ella, as she sat there mesmerized by the man who sat a few spaces from her. Forgetting her mantra as heat pooled in her intimate parts. She felt her skin flush as she became hypersensitive to everything around her. More specifically, the man addressing the room.

He got up and walked closer to the monitor. "The Cerberus plane," he changed the picture and a diagram of a jet plane came on next. "Ten times faster, lighter than the regular jet plane, it's encrypted with a special series of code, which grants it the ability to not only hide it from all network servers, but it also has the capability of transporting six smaller jets for singular riders undetected in any part of the world..."

Ella sat there, watching him speak as she got wetter by the second, she clenched her thighs in an attempt to ease some of the aches she felt there. She bit her lips and clenched the files tighter as her eyes followed him with the accuracy of a hawk. Her toes curled as an image popped in her head, him shirtless and her...

She shook it away and squeezed her legs tighter. She could feel her nipples harden through the flimsy material of the T-shirt. And she was sure it would show.

Goosebumps rose on her skin as her state of arousal ate her up from the inside out. She nearly moaned.

"Ella?" Jumping, she blinked back to the room to find all eyes watching her. Embarrassed beyond thought, she felt all the blood rush to her face.

She needed to get a grip.

She looked at Kaiden, who had his intense sight on her, his eyes darkened. "The files." He said quietly.

Red as a tomato now, she tried to get a grip. "Oh yes, of course." She mumbled stupidly and got up on jelly legs, feeling her arousal soak her panties, she fought to keep herself together as she passed the files round the table. When she was done she came face to face, or rather face to chest seeing as she wasn't close to his height. His arm grazed hers as she passed and she shivered at the sharp jolt of electricity that ran through her, straight to all the wetness between her legs.

Frustrated beyond reasoning, she sat and crossed her legs, still trying to release some of the pressure she was feeling.

Feeling eyes on her she raised her head and saw Kaiden watching her, and for a moment they held eye contact, there was something dark and questionable in his eyes, and Ella tried to gauge his expression as his mask slipped a little. But just as quickly as it happened, it disappeared, and Ella sat through the meeting, fighting her state of arousal and the dirty thoughts she now has about her boss.

And she knew if he touched her or looked at her one more time with that heated gaze, she would come undone, and it will be no one's fault but hers. And she realized she was not so immune after all, seems the attraction only disappeared and returned with a vengeance.

Because now, there was nothing she wanted more than to be in the throes of passion with her boss. No matter how wrong it was. 

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