Chapter 5-Kawaii~Chan!!

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Das what u look like wit yo mans shirt⬆️
(E/C)= Eye Colour
(L/D)= Lighter/Darker
(H/C)= Hair Colour
•-Your P.O.V-•
"Coming right up!" Kawaii~Chan winks too, what the heck is going on?
"Hey, (Y/N), we will sit outside." He signals me as he walks out the door. His chestnut hair sways as he walks. I nod in return while I walk behind him. I like how he is do I put this? Straight forward with things. If he wants to do something, he will, and he doesn't care if you disagree.

"Laurence~Kun, wait a second!" Kawaii~Chans voice squeaks from the kitchen. Catching his attention, he spins on his heal, causing me to thump into his solid chest...AGAIN. I cringe since this is now the second time I've hit him, he probably thinks I'm doing it deliberately!
"Do you have a thing for my chest or something (Y/N)?!" He laughs at his joke, I try not to laugh. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks since I'm holding my breath. My red face is absolutely hilarious to Laurence considering that tears begin slipping out of his crystal blue eyes. I can't  do it anymore!! Air starts seeping out of my mouth, releasing a peculiar noise. I then belch out laughing along with Laurence, even snorting like a pig in some cases. I lose my balance, but regain it once I lean my head against Laurence's lower chest, clutching my stomach identically to him. His heartbeat is audible, it pumps hurriedly as if he is nervous?

Then, unexpectedly I feel the sensation of contact when he gently places his head on top of mine. Stray bits of his hair descend in front of my eyes, it's noticeably (L/D) then my (H/C) shade. I can sense the outline of his classic smirk through my hair, still snickering. I blush furiously, 'why do I feel like this around him OMI!?'

"SQUEEEEE!!!" The noise pierced my ears. I frantically get off Laurence and immediately spot the source. Kawaii~Chan is standing behind the counter with heart eyes. She caused this to happen! She did it on purpose!
"KAWAII~CHAAAN!!" I yell, "You are GUILTY!" She starts giggling.
"No, Kawaii~Chan insists that she didn't cause this accident between her ship!"
I was going to fight back, but then warm red liquid began dripping from my nose. I wipe it with my hand. It's blood, most likely from when I bumped into Laurence.
"Guys, my nose is bleeding." I say casually.
"I can take you home if you want, Then help clean you up. Your clothes would be dry now too." Laurence suggests.
"But FOOOOOD??" I whine pulling out the puppy eyes again. Laurence mockingly frowns at me.
"Kawaii~Chan can pack something for (Y/N)~Sama? Kawaii~Chan has an idea!"
And with that she races to the kitchen.

"Here." I look to my right to see tissues in Laurence's hands. He looks guilty, but its not fake.
"Thank you Laurence. Hey, why does your chest have to be so solid for?" I lightly punch his shoulder dispensing a giggle, signalling him to cheer up. He smirks, but the guilt still rests in his eyes. I replace my hand with the tissues, gripping the bridge of my nose lightly to slow the bleeding. Blood drips from my other hand which was previously covered my nose, the bandage which I 'borrowed' is soaking.
"Hehe, ew."

"Here! The finest sweets in all of Phoenix Drop! Specially made for (Y/N)~Sama, and Laurence~Kun!" Kawaii~Chan gleams as she places the large box into Laurence's hands.
"Thanks so much Kawaii~Chan, it has been really nice meeting you!" I enthusiastically reply, still holding the tissue to my face.
"Same, Kawaii~Chan can sense that we will be besties! Come back soon!" She waves, giving us a sweet smile. Laurence waves back as he holds the door open for me.
"Such a gentleman." I joke with a posh voice.
"Only for you m'lady." He returns the posh voice, it was deep, thick with romance. I blush a hot pink while smiling up at him. Most likely with blood on my face.

•-Time Skip-•
We made it back to Laurence's house. The fire in the fireplace is now looking for fuel, it smoulders what's left of an old log.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry." My body rotates to face Laurence automatically.
"What for Lu?"
"For giving you a nosebleed." His eyes shift to his feet in guilt.
"Come on! I'm the one who rammed into you! I should apologise!"
"(Y/N), I-"
"No." I cut him off by spitting a no.
"Aaaaaagh! Just, clean yourself up!" He caves in.
"Haha, I win! Can I get more bandages too, loser?" I give him I smug little face, moving my dragon ears outwards. Suddenly, I get slammed against the wall, but it didn't hurt.
My (E/C) and purple eyes squint open to meet those blue orbs, chestnut hair drapes over them.
Warm hands are wrapped around my waist, they then move up and down my sides. My breath hitches while my face bursts into a flaming blush. Laurence lowers his head near my ear, slightly brushing his lips against my neck. I can feel his hot breath against my ear now. I thought he was going to kiss me or something.
"Hey, (Y/N). Don't get all smug with me." That bastard! I sense that smirk from here!
I immediately push him off me while he laughs.
"L-leave me alone!" Why do I feel so flustered?! Agh!
"I'm going to the bathroom."
"Okay, Beautiful." I look over my shoulder, glaring at him.

What happens next? Find out in the next chapter!

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