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King George

First date
George, being king and all, went all out with and extraordinary dinner filled with peacock and swan and other exotic animals. The most expensive wines known to england and the world. You two spoke and enjoyed the entertainment his court had to offer. You never where used to this since you aren't royalty or even a noble, you're a tailor for god's sake. He wanted to the life you could have with him, he was trying so hard to impress you, but you were impressed the second you stepped into the palace.

How they kiss
It's never just one that's not good enough.he will pepper your arms, neck, face and lips in a million kisses and pecks.

How they cuddle
He's a koala. He will cling to you like its the last time he will hold you. He loves you and wants you know know that every breath he takes is for you.

For him- georgy/ king salt bucket/ my king
For you- princess/ my queen

How they Comfort you
If you're self conscious or just generally sad or mad, he will have everyone in his court complement you all day and buy you whatever it takes to make you feel better. If it's a person, he will cuddle you and order their execution.

He has two tigers. He feeds them only the best meats and they sleep in the court yard. Sometimes hid I person is to be killed he will throw them with his tigers and have the mauled to death.

Pick up lines
" my queen, why not you sit on my lap and we can talk about the first thing that peaks your interest."

TV show you watch together
My big fat gypsy wedding.

Your song
Say you like me- we the kings

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