a little about me

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I'm a teen
I have resting bitch face
My celebrity crushes include:
Daveed diggs
Chris pratt
Lin Manuel Miranda
Tom Holland
Okeriette onadowm
Anthony ramos
Tom Hiddleston
Chris hensworth
George Clooney
Johnny depp

My favorite dinsey movie- aristacats
Favorite Disney prince- shang
Favorite Disney princess- Belle
Favorite Disney other- grandmother from Moana
Favorite marvel movie - Spiderman home coming
Favorite  marvel villian - Loki
Favorite avenger- Spiderman ( yes I count him)
Least favorite avenger - vision

I have 5 pets

Favorite song - the things we shared by Thomas Sanders

I'm a choir kid ( hint. If it's an all girls choir, no girl really likes each other)

I'm best at math
I'm worst at english

Favorite musical- Heather's

Least favorite musical - rent


F- Tony Stark
M - Loki
Kill - vision

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