what they were/ what they looked like in highschool.

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Alexander Hamilton
* choir kid
*debate club state champ
*AP English
*theatre kid
* had braces
* "since you're being so talkative, would you like to teach the class Mr. Hamilton?" "Yeah.  I would. Sit down."
* goodwill for days
*dressed nice for a goodwill kid
* sits on the ground (like me) at lunch
* if you cut him he will bleed caffeine.
Aaron burr
* wasn't all that fancy dressing.
* didn't look bad though. Old or obscure band Shirt, jeans and a pair of working boots, he didn't work.
*in debate, met Alexander run AP English
* low-key smokes weed
*goes to football games to hook up with chicks
* huge theatre kid
* the hot, player guy of theatre ( we have one at my school and I swear he fucks a blow up doll with his face on it.)
*drives a really cool car
(Most people who grow up to be like him are usually like this in highschool)

Charles Lee

* memes for days
*says he has a girlfriend but you just don't know her
* starts all the drama even though he says he doesn't
* will Fuck his best friends ex the day after hey break up
*not in clubs, he's a baseball guy though
* passing with a d in all classes
*smokes a lot of weed, you can smell it on him
*always has a hangover on Mondays

George Washington
* polo and khakis
* all AP classes
*foot ball god
* good boy
*low-key may or may not have killed a man
* dad friend
*doesn't really date
* president of the debate club, also moderator, also in art club
* friends with the history teachers

Hercules Mulligan
* line backer
* will get whatever info he wants. There's no hiding from him
* beanies and bandannas
* wears Jordans
* those tank tops that ago really low on the sides
* either that or a punny t shirt
*class clown

John Laurens
* biggest dealer in school
* wears forever 21
* passes barely
* won't sell to Charles
*memes for dreams

James Madison

Polo's and khakis
* in swim and chess
* took chess to districts
* all AP
* met Thomas in French
King George

Heather Chandler
* too good for a public school


will make you fall for him
* expensive French clothes
* French club president
* makes edibles for john to sell
*will roast you in French
*in choir

Helped George hide the body

Thomas Jefferson

expensive shoes and clothes
* secretary of debate club
* won't talk to you unless he thinks you're hot, knows you're nice, or he wants something
* basket ball pro
* in band
*theatre kid
* has fought Hamilton like 6 times.

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