Chapter 2

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Scott P.O.V

"Dude! Derek!" I said to Stiles.

"I know!" Stiles said.

"What am i going to do?" I said.

"I don't know!" He said.

"He doesn't know i have a sister! OH MY GOD! I never wanted him to find out about Court!" I said.

"Just relax. We'll figure it out. Just get ready for the party." Stiles said.

"Ok. Ok." i said 

Derek P.O.V.

I still can't believe what happened today. I was just running to the store for a couple things then i find myself saving this girl from her psycho ex-boyfriend. She was so beautiful. I felt different when i was around her and it felt really good. She invited me to a party that she was having and i was more than excited to go. I've never felt liek this about a girl before. I know we just met, but there was some sort of connection there. It's hard to describe it. 

So as i'm driving to her house i notice that i have been to this house before. Then seconds after i pull up i see Courtney fling the door open and run to my car.

"Hey i'm so glad you could make it!' She said with the biggest smile, that was adorable.

"Me too, happy to be here." i said.

"Ready to come in?" she asked.


So as i walk in Courtney says,"Derek this is my brother Scott." 

His face dropped when he saw me. I just stood there like wtf. I just realized that the girl i like and the girl I'm starting to fall for is related to Scott McCall.

Scott P.O.V.

When i heard Court walk over and say this is my brother Scott, I turn around to see who is being introduced to me. Its Derek freaking Hale. 

DEREK! What the hell!! Why was she inviting him here! "What is wrong with you?" She said.

"De..Der..Derek!?" I said 

"You know each other?" She asked.

"Unfortunately." I said and then got hit in the arm by her.

"I help him out from time to time." Derek said.

"With what?" She said.

"Stay out of trouble." He said.

"Well okay..." She said as she took him out back.

I immediately text Stiles and tell him what just happened. Then he comes over right away.

"Dude What the hell! I'm so pissed right now! Derek! REALLY?! Out of all the guys in the world she chooses him!? WTF" I said.

"I know! Relax! Sitting here getting mad is not really going to do anything. Dude maybe he's not even that bad." Stiles said.


"I know i'm just trying to make the situation better." Stiles said.

"I'm going to fix this." I said. 

"How Scott? You can't exactly go out there and say,"Hey Court i thought i just thought i would let you know that the guy your with right now is a werewolf that kills people!" Stiles explains.

"I don't know what i'm going to do but i will figure it out." I said.

 Courtney's P.O.V.

So after what just happened I was determined to figure out what is going on with all of this. But after Derek got here other people started showing up, so i couldn't start asking questions just yet.

Derek and I were together the whole night. I hadn't spoken to Scott since he was with his girlfriend Allison and Stile was chasing after his 3rd grade crush, Lydia.

Derek and I had been talking and hanging out like we've known each other our whole lives. I was really starting to like him. Like a lot. And it's crazy becasue i just met him a couple hours ago. So when the party was over i walked out with Derek to his car.

"I had a lot of fun tonight." He said.

"So did I." I said.

"Hey I was wondering if you would like to hang out again some time?" He said with a cute grin.

"Like a date?" I said as I bit my lip.

"If that's ok with you." He said.

"Yeah that's ok with me." I said with a flirty grin.

"So i'll call you!" He said.

"And I will answer!" I said with a laugh.

"Bye." He said as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye." I said as i hugged him back

As I start for the door I see it fling open and I see Scott standing there. This can't be good.


And here is chapter 2! I got really bored and decided to just uplaod it tonight. I do plan on uploading a chapter at least every couple days! Please read and tell other people about my story! 

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