Chapter 3

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Scott P.O.V.

I had to talk to Courtney. So right when she said bye to Derek I was going to charge her with questions. So I see her walk up the steps and I knew it was go time.

"Courtney why the hell did you invite him and why did you just hug him!?" I said.

"Because he's really sweet and basically saved my life and i wanted to hug him." She said like it was nothing.

"I don't care. Don't talk to him ever again!"

"Yeah. Ok. Because your my father now and can tell me what to do."

"I'm looking out for you!"

"What did he do for you not to like him?"

"A lot."

"Well start talking then!"

"Not tonight."

"Fine, but just so you know i'm going out with him this week."

"Ummm no you're not."

"Watch me."

I am so pissed at her right now. Why can't she just stay away from him. Thank god Stiles is here, or else i would probably go after Derek and kill him.

"Dude just calm down. It's not that bad." Stiles said trying to calm me down.


"Ok maybe it's bad.

Courney P.O.V.

I can't believe Scott thinks he can control my life. Who the hell does he think he is? I don't know why Scott hates Derek so much. But I am going to find out. I needed to talk to someone about this ASAP! So i called Allison. She told me i could come over to her house so we could talk. So that is exactly what i was going to do. So i got up, got my car keys and headed for the door. Scott and Stiles went up to Scott's room so they did'nt even notice that I even left. So I get in my car and head to her house. I pull up outside of her house and get out and walk up to the front door and knock.

"Hey!" She said.

"Hey." I said.

"Come in!" She said in her chippery voice.

So I walk in and I see she is home alone.

"Here all by yourself?"

"Yeah. It's so nice. So what did Scott do this time?" She said.

"Well you know how i got attacked and all, and the guy that saved me asked me to go out with him. Oh i forgot to mention his name is Derek."

"His name is Derek?" she said like she was shocked.

"Yeah Derek Hale. Why?"

"My father knows him, that's all."

So I told her what Scott did and she was not really suprised. After a while we start talking about things.

"I know it's really weird to feel the way i do about Derek, but-0"

"But nothing. He's a gorgeous and muscular man and sounds charming. I would feel the same way."

"This is why I love you."

So as i'm at Allisons i get a text. When i look down at the screen my smile got so big. It's from Derek.

"Hey i was wondering would you like to go out on Friday night? i was thinking maybe bowling?"

I was so happy i could almost scream. I could not believe this was happening. Allison and I are freaking out.

"So your going to go right?"

"Of course i am!"

"I kinda figured!

"OMG I cant wait!"

"I would love to go with you on Friday!" I texted back

"Ok great! So i'll pick you up at 8:00?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Ok good. See you Friday."

Allison could tell i was really excited!

Allison's P.O.V.

Courtney was so excited. There was no way I could tell her who Derek really was. It would break her heart. Plus iI didn't Derek was that bad.It was all Scott and Stiles.Plus i thought Derek was kinda hot, but that's besides the point. I was going to need to talk to them and calm them down about her going out with him. So after that Court left and i went to Lydias. I wanted to go but I knew I had to talk to the boys.So i got in my car and drove to Scott's house.

"Hey babe!" Scott said as he kissed me.


I knew this was going to be really hard.

"Where's Stiles?"

"He's in the bathroom, why?"

I need to talk to the both of you."


So after Stiles comes out of the bathroom, I sit them down.

"So Courtney was just at my house and Derek texted her and they're going out on Friday night." I said.

"No they're not! Over my dead body!" said Scott.

"What the hell?" Stiles said.

"Scott you need to let her go!" I said.

"What the hell?! No!" He said.

"I don't even think he's that bad!" I said.

"That bad? He's horrible!" Scott said.

"He hasn't killed anyone!"

"Yet!" Stiles said.

"You guys he's better than Jackson!" I explained.

"I guess. But they're still not going!" Scott said.

"Scott she is so happy! Can you just let her be happy for a change. She has always been unhappy. Between Jackson and your dad. Can't you just let her be happy? Please?" I said.

"She has a point dude." Stiles said.

"Yes I do!" I said.

"Fine. But I swear to god if he hurts her in any way he's a dead man." Scott said.

"And I won't stop you, but you promise to bud out of it?" I said.

"Yes." He said.

"That's my boy!" I said.

"Ewww." Stiles said.

"Shut up!" Scott said.


So here's chapter 3! i meant to update spooner but I play softball and have some crazy schedules so i will try and keep up with updating as much as possible! Enjoy!

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