Chapter 6

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Courtney POV

The weekend passed by pretty quickly, and it was already monday morning. The thought of going to school made me wanna cry. I've never really liked school, and the fact that I had to see Jackson made it so much worse. But going back and thinking about my date with Derek made me so much happier. The boys and I were on our way to school. I almost want to throw up everytime I see that porche in the parking lot. It sickens me. Anyways, Stiles pulls into a parking space and we all hop out. Scott found Allison and they went off. Stiles and I went to first period.

"So I know you won't tell Scott about your date, but i'm always here for you and don't worry i don't always tell Scott everything." Stiles said.

"Awww Stiles that was so sweet! And bull shit you tell Scott everything. And i'm pretty sure that if I went out with any other guy, you guys would not be acting like this"

"Ok first no it wouldn't be like that. And second Court you're like my sister, I care about you and I love you and i don't want you getting hurt."

"AWWWW Stiles, that's twice in one day! I love you too."

"I know i'm just amazing."

"Ok, lets not get cocky here."

"Yeah yeah whatever. But seriously how was your date?"

"It was actually really nice. I had an amazing time. I really like him Stiles. I like him a lot."

"I'm truly happy for you, but I just want you to be careful. I know you don't want to keep listening to Scott and I, but just please be careful."

"I will I promise!"

Shortly after that the bell rings. Mr. Asshole walks in and is talking about some random shit and i don't even know. Oppps I Mean Mr. Harris. Of course I wasn't listening. I'm pretty sure getting hit by a car was better than listening to Harris talk. Just hearing his voice makes me wanna jump in front of a bus. As I was doodling in my notebook, I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. So i grabbed it and Got the biggest smile when I saw who it was from. It was from Derek.

----------"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go get food or something after you got out of school, maybe I could pick you up?"

Holy shit. Like i just can't. I was trying so hard not to let out a girly giggle. It was really freaking hard.

----------"Sure! Sounds great!"

----------"So 3?"

----------"Yes ;)"

----------"Pick you up in front of school?"


-----------"See you later ;)"


The day could seriously not go by any slower. It was finally lunch(sweet baby jesus thank god) and I was with Allison and Lydia.

"So you guys, I can't hang out after school l today."  I spoke up.

"Why?" they both asked.

"Because i have a date."

"Awwwwww y'all are going to get married." Lydia said.


"What are you guys going to do? Allison spoke up.

"Well he's picking me up from school and we're going to get food."

"Awwww he's picking you up!" They both said.

"You guys need to stop." I said laughing.

Then Scott and Stiles came over and sat down. As they sat down Stiles apparently saw my big smile because he had to say something.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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