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As Sully and Criss walked out of the Luxor he asked him if he was sober enough to drive...Sully quickly handed him his keys...and told him the directions to Rachel's place...Criss took the keys gladly and pulled out...for he was totally anxious about seeing Kc...for the last time he's seen her...was in school when she was around 12 or 13 years old...and by his complete transformation of physical appearance, he could easily understand why she didn't recognize him...plus for back when they knew each other...he was called Crisstopher Sarantakos...know he went by Criss Angel. He was no longer the poor boy that lived down the street from her...he was rich, famous, and very much loved by the people.

During the driving, Criss was going back in time and remembered all the times their families made them violently compete against each other in every school activity...and even extracurricular activities too. He doesn't remember much about Kc...other than she was champion in the states finals in gymnastics and in school dance...and she was very talented in band, and singing...but that was such a long time ago...she might have changed...and maybe even got away from her family circle...the only thing Criss did know was that her infamous older fucking brother was stealing his shit left and right in the magical world...and one of these days babaam he was going to pow him right in the kisser...he was so going to beat the fuck out of that prick.

Criss snapped out of it when Sully hollered at him and pointed him to the house saying he passed it...Criss chuckled and told his still slightly intoxicated buddy not to get his knickers in a twist...that he would just turn around and park...once Criss got the car parked, Sully was already out and prancing down the sidewalk...Criss laughed at him very loudly and told him it takes a very secure man to walk like that...Sully turned around and tossed Criss two birds at the same time...then stuck his tongue out and told Criss he was just jealous...then he went on up to the front door...and rang the doorbell...when no one answered he showed Criss a lock pick...and went to the doorknob...Criss told him that wasn't the greatest idea...but it was too late.

As soon as Sully got the door opened he was encountered with a humongous black dog...with nothing but fangs lunging right for him...Sully quickly shut the door and fell off the step and on his ass in the grass...and began cussing loudly telling Criss they never had a damn dog!! Criss came over to Sully and helped him up, and said he tried to warn him about the dog...Sully looked up at him and asked him how in the hell could he have known about that dog...Criss remained very quiet and just pointed at the dog chain tied around the tree in their yard, along with a water bowl and a chew toy. Sully grinned at him...and called him a wiseass...then stayed right in the yard and hollered thru the window and told Rachel to lock the dog up...Rachel stuck her head out the window and said it wasn't hers...it belonged to Kc...but added very quickly that he wasn't dangerous...and very obedient.

Sully looked at Criss and said sure he was...Rachel went to the door and told him it was safe to come in now...that Xristos was in Kc's bedroom with her...Rachel didn't notice Criss standing there until Sully asked if his friend was welcome in too...Rachel put her hand on her head and apologized to Criss, and said, of course, he was welcome too...Criss walked in the house behind Sully and plopped carelessly on the sofa and just looked around...wondering if Kc was going to come out or not.

Rachel came out of the kitchen with some lemonade and handed it out...after Criss thanked her, he asked her if her friend was going to come out of the bedroom...or what...that he was getting very antsy and wanted to meet her...Rachel giggled at Criss's impatience, and went to the back bedroom, and opened the door very slightly so Xristos couldn't get out and told me that Criss was there, and he really wanted to meet me...but I was in there a nervous wreck...but I stood up, and asked her if I looked ok...Rachel smiled at me and said I was a total knockout...but as I walked out of the room she told me to keep Xristos in the bedroom...that for some strange reason her boyfriend was intimidated by him...so I turned and told him to get in bed and go night night...and he did, then I told him he was a very good boy...then shut the door.

Rachel and I both walked down the hall and into the living room, where Criss was sitting in my favorite spot on the sofa...and Sully was reclined in the chair waiting for Rachel to join him...I casually walked over to the sofa and Criss immediately slid over, and asked me to sit next to him...I couldn't see my face, but I knew I was so blushing right now...but he was so handsome. I sat down beside him and he held his hand out to me and said he was Criss...I slowly placed my hand in his, and we both must have felt the electric charge we got on contact...for we both jumped a little bit...be he kept ahold of my hand...as I told him my name.

Then we were both very quiet for a while...until he broke the barrier, and asked me what kind of dog I had...and for his name...I told him he was a Cane Corso/Pit Bull mix and his name was Xristos...Criss looked at me in a funny way, but I let it go not knowing what he was thinking...Criss said to himself that my dogs name was the name of his alter-ego in his performance...he took it as a good sign, then asked me if he could meet Xristos...that he really loved dogs, and all animals...I stood up and told him he would have to come into the bedroom where he was at...because Sully was afraid of him...Criss gave me a slight smile, and very willingly followed me to my room. I opened the door, and immediately told him it was alright...then I pulled Criss up to the bed, where he knelt down and held his hand out for him to sniff, and get used too.

then I pulled Criss up to the bed, where he knelt down and held his hand out for him to sniff, and get used too

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