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I was amazed at how Xristos got attached to Criss so quickly and easily...just thinking about how good he was with animals...made me wonder how good he would be with a girlfriend...and later on down the road maybe a kid or two...but I snapped out of it, when he asked me if I would like to take Xristos for a walk with him around Sunset Park...to get away from the house...and enjoy the warm sunny day...I stood up and grabbed Xristos harness and leash, but Criss grabbed it and put it on him...as I put my shoes on...then he walked him to the front door...Xristos looked at Sully making out with Rachel lightly in the recliner and he paced over to the chair and let out a very loud bark...and Sully rolled out of the chair and yelled what the hell!! Rachel giggled at him and said Xristos was giving him his regards, before going out...

Sully jumped back in the chair and told Rachel he really didn't like that dog...that he was certain he was out to get him...Rachel giggled at him again and told him he was just being paranoid...then she reached over and kissed him...and they continued there making out session...Criss slid down the railing then let Xristos lead him anywhere he wanted to plow...but when I was staying silent and behind him...he stopped and wrapped his free hand around mine...and said it was much more fun walking together...we walked all around the park, taking in the sights...and having a very pleasant conversation clear up until Xristos caught sight of a squirrel, and slipped away from Criss's grip...he got worried, and apologized to me...but I told him it was fine...that Xristos did that to her all the time...and he would be back...but I added it was more fun chasing him though...then I grabbed Criss's hand...and we both raced thru the park after Xristos and the squirrel.

Criss took a wild dive, and tackled Xristos...before he made it to the road...that the squirrel ran across...and told him that was a very dangerous place to be...but to add to the fun...I slid in and landed right underneath Criss's arm and told him I was worn out now...then I gave Xristos a hug...and told him he was a naughty boy...he whined a little bit then licked me on the face...Criss asked me if he knew how to play fetch...I told him he'd chase after anything thrown for him...Criss magically pulled out a tennis ball from his pocket, and gave it a toss...just as I removed his leash...and he bolted out after it...right when he got to it he pounced on it and grabbed it and shook his head violently...the with his tail wagging ferociously and ran back up to Criss wanting him to throw it again...we ended up playing at the park for hours...until Xristos got tired and laid down under the tree with the ball hidden in his jowls.

Criss and I were sitting under the shade tree as well and got a lot closer to each other, and just looked into each other's eyes for a while...then he entwined his fingers with mine...and gave me a slight smile, and asked me very timidly if he could give me a kiss...I lowered my gaze for a minute, then gave him an insecure smile and told him I'd like that...Criss moved in closer to me as I felt the warmth of his light breathing on my face...to hide my embarrassment, I closed my eyes...as his soft moist lips touched mine...it was like a moment in heaven...his lips tasted so sweet, and he smelt so good...I secretly never wanted that moment to end.

(Criss's p.o.v.)

I kept moving closer to her very slowly, as I was kissing her...she smelt so good, like apples and wild strawberries...I thought to myself if she used strawberry body wash...and apple scented shampoo...whatever it was...I was so addicted to. I never wanted to stop kissing her sweet tasting lips...I actually felt her body fluttering a little bit with my hellstromism. But I also found out for sure that she was David Blaine's sister, for some of her memories flooded into my mind as my lips were touching hers. Finally, I backed away when Xristos interrupted us both by coming in between us...and rolling over on our laps and growling playfully...I looked down at him and told him he had a wonderful way of ruining the moment.

Kc laughed a little bit and said she should be heading back to the house anyway...I looked around and couldn't believe we had spent most of the day at the park, sitting, talking, and playing with Xristos...it was way past dinner time, and I didn't even feel hungry...Kc was all that was on my mind...I helped her up, and put the leash back on Xristos, and held her hand and pulled her body closer to me as we walked back to her house...very slowly...after she let Xristos in the house, I playfully pulled her back to me and asked her if she would like to join me for dinner tomorrow night...she gave me the sweetest smile ever, and said she would like that a lot.

I slowly reached over to her and kissed her gently on the cheek and told her it was a date then...then I gave her a wave as she went inside, and told her goodnight...she waved back at me and said goodnight charming prince...I smiled at her remark then I walked down the street...because that dumbass Sully took off in his car without me...probably forgetting all about me driving him there this morning...but nothing could get me down...for Sweet Kc put me on a natural high...I walked all the way back to the Luxor, and did a few silly dances to the elevator...and as I ran into Carrot-Top I playfully spun him in a circle dance and told him I was happy...for I had a dinner date tomorrow night...then as the elevator door opened I spun him loose, and waved at him blew him a silly kiss and told him goodnight...Carrot-Top didn't stop laughing until he made it to his room. Once I got into my room, I picked Hammie up and told him I met a lovely girl...and that I was happy...then I told him before going to bed with him...that I had a dinner date with her tomorrow night...this was the first peaceful sleep I had since forever.

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