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My Name is Kc Lee Blaine, in case you don't recognize the last name, I am David Blaine's little sister...he was in magic, and I was into music...our father William Blaine was a very rich Entrepreneur, and we were sworn enemies of the Sarantakos family...why I still to this day have no clue...I haven't seen any of them since I was 12...all I was told by my father and brother...was they were no good slimy scumbags...and I was never allowed to have anything to do with them...unless it was to show them up...and make their lives miserable.

I hated making anyone's life miserable...but it all started when David and I were kids...our father would make us go against Dimitra's kids in school...they'd sign up for something, our father made damn sure he signed us up for the same thing and made us work until we were better than them...JD was into music...so my father made me sign up for music...I was forced to learn how to play the piano, the drums, the guitar, and any other instrument they learned...while my father was drilling me on that...he was drilling David on becoming the greatest Magician and Illusionist to beat out Dimitra's youngest boy Crisstopher...it was hell living with our father growing up...and as soon as I turned 17 I left the house, and went to college and away from them both...for David was finally brainwashed into believing in what our father was saying about them...me I just wanted out.

It became an obsession for my father to have us become more successful than any of the Sarantakos family...after I left them, I kept in touch thru my brother, about how things were going at home...but as soon as I heard David say he was heading to Vegas to make his mark...I just rolled my eyes to myself, and told him good luck with that...he asked me how my music was coming along...I gave a long sound of silence...then told him I gave up on our father's foolish pipe dreams...and was shooting for dreams of my own...which was becoming a pediatric doctor. 

David chuckled at me and said that our dad was going to be very pissed off at me...and he was going to have me for breakfast if he ever found out...I immediately told him I didn't care...and hung up with him...I knew I had the talent and the looks to become a rockstar...but I didn't want that kind of publicity...I just wanted to help others in need...mainly kids...I was happy...I had a great friend and roommate named Rachel...who was studying to be the same thing as me...and we even took the same classes...we shared the car we bought...and we split the all the finances, and we made quite the pair...for we both had a silly sense of humor.

But we felt for each other...when we told each other about our families...hers was carefree, and mine was overbearing and controlling...neither one of us has seen them in years...she missed hers...I reveled in the fact that I was away from mine. Luckily it was on our summer break...and didn't have any classes until next season...Rachel introduced me to her boyfriend, that was heavily into music...and very successful at it...for he was the lead singer of the newly formed heavy rock group called Godsmack!...I for one was very honored to meet him...for even before I knew what he looked like...I loved his music since his first album came out...I bought it...I like to think of him and his band as a new age Metallica with more guitar, more Drums, and a deeper and sexier voice.

Rachel giggled so hard when I told him that because she has never seen her Sexy Sully ever blush...and I managed to make him turn as red as a beet...Sully cleared his throat and changed the subject and offered to take us both out to lunch...because he was starving. Sully took us to the local steakhouse to eat...I playfully asked him if we were having lunch or an early dinner...He grabbed Rachel and kissed her neck and told me he liked eating heavy lunches...that way he would stay full until suppertime...plus he was a true carnivore...and loved his steak...and it had to be medium rare...when I told him that's how I liked mine too...it caught him a little off-guard...because most females he's been around usually choose to eat a salad...or something organic...and healthy...instead of eating the red meat.

Rachel got the salad...but also shared half of Sully's steak...because she said they were just way to big for her to eat a whole one...me I ordered the large rib eye steak, and drowned it with steak sauce, and ate away...that with a side-order of steak fries in ketchup. Hey on the inside I was still a young punk at heart...and I ate like one...plus, no matter how much I ate...due to my high metabolism I burnt it all off, before gaining any weight...and because Rachel and I worked out all the time down at Gold's Gym in our free time. After we ate and left the steakhouse...I turned around and saw the most gorgeous man I ever saw.

When I saw Sully waving at him, I looked at Rachel and asked if she knew who he was...that he was a stone fox...Rachel giggled at me for the simple fact, that she has never seen me go gaga over any guy since she's known me...but I was entranced with that one...Rachel playfully placed her finger on my chin and closed my mouth for me...and said that was one of Sully's buddies...she met him once...but didn't know that much about him other than he worked down at The Luxor Casino...and he was the main attraction their...I looked at her and asked her if she knew his name...she said she did, but she forgot it...then she grinned at me and told me to go over and introduce myself to him...I had never been shy about anything in my life...but just by looking at him...I didn't have the brass to go over there...so I just ogled at him from afar, until he left, and Sully came back to take us home.

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