chapter 11

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                -the next night-

Zeke Sat in his room with smoke he was sitting on his bed petting smoke

After they got home last night everyone told him that witches can't be trusted that they were vile and cruel they would lure you in then kill you without a moments hesitation

Zeke told them what they wanted to hear that he wouldnt become a fool to a witches tricks but i n reality he couldn't stop thinking about faith

<what should I do smoke> Zeke had his head in werewolf form so he could talk to smoke

<I don't know master do you think she can be trusted>

<I don't know but she seems like a good person and was cool enough>

<well in my experience you can't trust a witch I have fought one before>

<really! How'd that turn out>

<I lost but the witch is now missing an arm>

Zeke laughed <well you put up a good fight>

Suddenly there was a knock on the window in zekes room which confused him because his room was on the second floor

He turned his head into normal form and went to window with smoke close behind him both ready for anything

He parted the curtains to reveal faith on a broom stick

He was shocked but still opened the window

"What are you doing here" asked Zeke

"I'll explain in a minute for now can I come in"

"And Why would I let you do that"

"Because it's really cold out here and I wanna" faith then gave him puppy dog eyes

Twitch found it extremely adorable and couldn't resist it he growled in frustration "fine come in"

Faith climbed in the window set her broom stick in the corner then plopped on the bed

Smoke came up to her and started growling in anger

"Nice doggy" she said then began to scratch behind his ear which immediately calmed him down

"I like your wolf what's his name"

"His name is smoke and be careful he once bit a witches arm off"

"So that's what happened to becky your pretty tough little guy" she continued to scratch behind his ear which continued to please smoke

"Yeah he is now tell me why your here and talk quitely if the others know your here they'll kill you"

"And what about you will you kill me" she said looking at him seductively


"You hesitated"

"Shut up"

Faith giggled "anyway I'm here to tell you that not all witches are bad"

"That's not what I was told"

"Granted yes a lot of us are bad including my parents but not me and liz we didn't ask for this and they think we bad like them but in reality were not"

"And how do I know I can trust you"

"Because I did this" faith then stands up and hands Zeke a fat stack of papers Zeke takes them and See's that there the missing teen flyers his parents put up

"I went to town this morning and collected all of them they were everywhere around town I know you can't be found so I took them all down just in case someone recognizes you from last night"

"Why'd you do this?"

"Because I now what's its like to not wanna be found especially now that your a werewolf plus I care about you enough to help a friend out"

"And who says I wanna be your friend"

"I know you do especially from last night you wouldnt stop talking to me"

Zeke blushed "whatever"

Zeke then went over to the bed and hid the flyers under his mattress

"You don't want the others to know your a run away"

"I don't know how they'll react to it I don't wanna be kicked outta the pack"

"Well they probably won't they seem like nice enough guys"

"There are three others that you don't know about"

"Oh well when they find out I'm pretty sure they'll be understanding"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see then also how do you know where we live"

"All of us know where the werewolf cabin is we all know where the vampire mansion is but we can't just storm either of them you guys are too dangerous to just simply be over thrown"

Zeke laughed "you make a good point"

"So are we friends now"

Zeke thought for a moment he wanted to be her friend and could trust her now so why not the others didn't have to know "sure why not"

"Yay" she then ran up and hugged him zeke froze with shock for a moment but then hugged her back

"I gotta go now before my parents realize I'm gone"

Zeke frowned a little but understood "okay"

Faith petted smoke good bye then grabbed her broom and climbed out the window

"Oh and by the way your pretty cute for a werewolf and an albino"

Zeke blushed furiously "thank you. You don't look bad yourself"

Faith blushed a little "thanks. Well I gotta go now bye Zeke see you around" she then took off

Zeke then just stood there for a moment

"Well that was interesting"

Zeke turned around to see Tristan standing in his doorway he completely forgot that his door was wide open the entire time she was there

"Tristan! H-how much did you see"

"Enough gotta say I never would've thought a werewolf would date a witch"

"What are you talking about I'm not dating her we're just friends"

"Sure you aren't" Tristan said sarcastically "don't worry I won't tell no one I gotta secret of my own" 

"And what's that"

"I'm dating a vampire named sierra but the others can't know that so if I keep your secret you keep mine deal"


"Well alright then" he turned to leave "also she's not that bad looking for a witch" he then left

Zeke turned his head into werewolf form and looked at smoke

<well what do you think about her> asked Zeke

<I like her master>

Zeke smiled <me too>

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