chapter 25

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               -the next day-

Faith sat on her old porch looking toward the main entrance of the village it had been so long since the death of her family and she hasn't got over it she also hasn't completely forgave Zeke but she later found out that he got exiled for harboring her which kinda made  her feel bad

She continued to stare at the main road watching the other witches go about there life's  when Liz came over and sat next to her

"I thought you were done coming back here" said Liz

"I did too but losing your family no matter how bad and racist they were it's still hard to just move on"

"Well eventually your gonna have to"

"I know it's just hard I mostly just miss my grandma she wasn't that bad even if she was a little racist"

"Well a lot of us are racist me and you and a few others are the only ones that aren't"

"Yeah but it's to bad the others that aren't are not here"

"Yeah I guess"

Faith then buried her head between her knees to shut the rest of the world out just for a little bit when she did this it gave her time to think

She did this for about five minutes until she heard Liz speak to her

"Uhh faith you may wanna see this"

Faith looked up to see the werewolfs walking down the main road in the village she also saw Sierra and another boy with long black emo hair and a rather large zombie with blonde hair the wolf pack was there too

All the witches quickly took notice of them being there and partially surrounded them but kept there distance

Faith and liz got up off the porch and joined the other witches faith saw Zeke behind tristin with his wolf smoke by his side his white hair had gotten a little longer with his eyes still red

The witches town leaders was a man named Bob he had a decent build with light brown skin and tattoos on his face he mostly specialise in voodoo magic and his wife Tiffany she was a strict women with long black hair pale white skin she almost always wore a black silk dress with an old brownish witch hat she was very talented in the elemental magic they both pushed there way through the small crowd of witches to see the werewolfs

"Why have you come here" asked Bob

"We have come to ask you for your help" said Justin

"What makes you think we will help you" said Tiffany

"I assume you have heard of zozos return yes"

"Yes we are well aware for him coming back soon"

"We ask you all to join us and fight"

"Why should we" asked bob

"Because if we don't stop him when he gets here he will destroy the world"

"Well actually we are going pledge are alligence to him and join him in destroying this world"

"Are you insane he will kill you all" said tristin

"No he won't he will allow us to  help bring this world to it knees" said Tiffany

"There is no helping him he can clearly do this on his own he won't need you and will kill you the moment you get in sight of him" said atom

"No he won't he will be grateful for are help" said bob

"Okay suppose he does let you help after the world is destroyed he will just kill you then" said axel

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